Dick Dogfood

You know nothing about the “typical abortion situation.” Very few people use abortion as basic birth control. Do some fucking research.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

She had an abortion for the same reason any woman has an abortion: her own, personal, private reason. Her abortion “reason” is as unhorrifying as anybody’s abortion reason. That’s why you were told to fuck off.

Oh, word: The practice isn’t a 401c3 non profit, as this interview here explains, so the only way to donate is to make out a check directly to the office or to him (Warren M. Hern) and send it in the mail to

PLEASE fuck off

I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.

This article tells us what happens when women have abortions that late. This is why late-term abortion needs to remain legal. Women are not deciding on a whim to have abortions at 32 weeks. It is done for medical reasons.

Any reason is reason enough. It is not your choice to make nor is any woman’s situation your business. The Supreme Court applied a core constitutional principle of privacy and liberty to a woman’s ability to terminate a pregnancy.

Way to miss the entire fucking point.

is there any way to donate to the clinic that performed it? even if it’s just going to fix the leaky roof, they deserve as much help as they can get for offering their services to women in situations like this.

fuck off

I was just thinking the same thing! What if someone stole his identity with a few keystrokes and voided his bank account in a matter of seconds? What if someone stalked around his house and took things of value in 15 minutes? What if a gun was fired and shot him in the head in a matter of seconds? 20 minutes can be

I’m in a similar boat. Stage 3 kidney disease, plus heart disease and lupus. Can’t take ibuprofen due to the potential for additional kidney damage (it’s not good for your heart, either). When my lupus flares up, I am shit out of luck. I take tramadol occasionally, but I don’t want to take it too often due to the side

Hang on a second. There is a difference between taking an occasional narcotic for chronic pain but on a longterm basis, and taking narcotics every day on a long term basis. I think it’s irresponsible not to make that distinction. Having a prescription for narcotics in your tool belt if you have a chronic pain

I personally am entirely immune to opiates.

Thank you. I’m another person with chronic pain who takes prescription opioids (exactly as prescribed, and never more than I need) and has for years, because the alternative is that I would be in agony and unable even to get out of bed, rather than merely in constant severe pain but able at least to work and support

I see a doctor who specializes in pain medicine who gave me the extended release. It’s better than getting short bursts of Percocet for rheumatoid flares because it manages the pain in a steady way without the high of a sudden boost in narcotics.

You... don’t really know what you’re talking about. I take 10 mg of extended-release morphine every 12 hrs for my rheumatoid arthritis and it’s allowed me to continue working and stay off of disability.

@EMTtech: Yeah, there's rationality and decency in decapitating a live pig with a chain saw. A cat, yeah, that's ignorant. All morality aside, of course.

@Daveinva: Yeah, free speech is pretty much a joke up here. In fact, I'm probably going to be arrested in a few minutes just for writing this.