Dick Dogfood

Your mom became an addict because she preferred being high to being sober. her sober life must have sucked in ways that made checking out preferable. And you want to punish people who need opioids because addicts get addicted rather than fixing the environment that encourages despair?

That is no “straight line of evidence.” The data are contaminated by combining deaths of people who ODed on heroin as well as hospice patients and people in other situations that can be interpreted as end-of-life care. You are hysterical and beating one drum - addiction. If people want to end their lives with booze or

I agree. People who get addicted to pain pills would get addicted to anything, and the pills were what they landed on in their time of “I need to not have emotions” need. For those of us who actually need them, the reasons pillheads seek them out are considered unwelcome side effects.

How is taking the prescribed dose of a medication that allows you to continue to function “breaking” under the pressure of a ruined body? Honey, we push through more nonsense and BS every hour than I suspect you’ve had to endure, and your hyperbole here is entirely inaccurate and unwelcome.

It depends on what state you’re in. In TX, we must see a GP to be referred to a specialist for the condition(s), then we have to see a separate pain management doctor who does everything possible to charge you as much money as they can because they believe that their good fortune to have this as a separate and

And just who are you to think that ALL PEOPLE are prescribed narcotic pain relief for “mere discomfort”? Get off of your high horse. Addiction is the lesser of two evils when the other is not being able to get up and move.

Do you genuinely believe that your experience can be generalized to a population of those who have been through severe physical trauma? I’m pretty sure you’re way off base.

That’s great for you. Must be nice to be wealthy or at least have access to pain management. Why don’t you PM me your zip code so I can shuffle my walker over there to visit some doctors who might help me

You’re an idiot. Many of us know and navigate discomfort and even raging pain - I resisted taking narcotics while passing kidney stones in order to be able to perform mentally complex tasks. However, the pain from spinal injuries and failed back surgeries is intense, constant, and crippling. Idiots like you are why I

Yes what? Yes life is uncomfortable sometimes? Have you ever been hit by a drunk driver, subjected to spine surgery while you were unable to choose your own surgeon, and forced to live with the unbearable pain of failed fusions and rod and pin insertions? That pain is constant. I manage to keep my weight down and stay

We would have been caring for our children. That kid had to make a huge, protracted effort to get into the enclosure. The “parents” had no visual or auditory contact with him during this time. That is gross negligence, and an animal who had done nothing wrong was killed because of it. You obviously want to live in a

You are a terrible writer. Nobody would want to see a toddler die in place of a gorilla. What we’d like to see are the adults who were supposed to be caring for the child punished for neglect. The idiotic “fat acceptance” movement claims that we can’t ell how healthy someone is by how fat they are. They are incorrect.