Bryce Durbin

I laughed at "Were you familiar with [The Cosby Show] going in?" Who grew up in the 80s and didn't watch Cosby?

Tell me if I'm wrong, but Li'l Depressed Boy seems to draw a lot of inspiration from Sof' Boy, no?

1954 was more than a half-century ago.

My wife knows this guy's mom. #humblebrag

The first girlfriend I ever had I took on two movie dates total. The first one was Angus. The second was How to Make an American Quilt. We lasted about a month.

The best was when he was drunk in a hotel room and gave out his phone number. I talked to him for 5 minutes. It was fun.

No, no, the Disney Channel show from 1996. I had a crush on her then, too. Which was creepy, because I was a sophomore in high school.

From the Wikipedia page about the town where they grew up: "Based on the 2000 census, Cape Elizabeth has a population of 9,068 and is the state's most affluent municipality (per household median income)."

Everyone loves him but Billy Eichner.

I think almost every Jane Campion movie has exactly one very brief animated sequence.

I still think we'll live to see a "40 Classic Films Starring Jim Carrey" festival.

All eternals deck the halls!

Paul F. Tompkins' twitter name used to be Twitterkins.

"Pop Goes My Heart" is a great song!

Uh oh, I'm listening to the most recent Ken Plume interview of Hodgman and just heard the part that reveals Scott Tobias' stunning unprofessionalism. If there were any chance at all that people would be reading this article a week after it was posted, I'd be blowing the lid the AV Club's seamy underbelly (to mix

My favorite Sean O'Neal construction is "because _____". Here it's "because sex tape", in the article about Maya Rudolph getting a larger part on "Up All Night" it was "because Bridesmaids."

Ah, a good cry and now I'm off to bed. Good night, world. I hope my family and I wake up in the morning.

I listened to Scott 1, 2, 3 and 4 *and* Climate of Hunter yesterday, so I love the funny coincidence of a prospective new Scott Walker album. Only five or six years to go!
