Bryce Durbin

Thank you for doing research. You put more effort into AV Club comments than many students do into term papers.

Another "gay panic" thing. It's in a lot of hip-hop songs lately. Just this week I read this (2-year-old) article about it: http://www.slate.com/id/222…


I agree they're all good. For whatever reason "The Metamorphic Man" and "The Time Machine Deconstructed" were really powerful for me, so I decided to go back and start with the very first episodes and they didn't have quite the same impact. Maybe I should withhold judgment until I've listened to all 49 episodes. But

The Tobolowsky Files
I had no idea what a great raconteur he was until I heard him on WTF with Marc Maron, which led me to his own podcast The Tobolowsky Files, which I am now hooked on. And I think the later ones are better than the early ones, which means he's just getting better.

I wanna say…

In Your Eyes
I didn't see Say Anything until my late 20s, at which point I'd seen lots of parodies of the boombox scene. I'd also heard already "In Your Eyes" dozens of times on the radio, so when I finally saw the two smashed together in that scene, for some reason the tone seemed completely wrong, and I didn't get

Narnia & Family Ties
Don't forget the hateful and thinly-veiled caricatures of Muslims in The Last Battle. Ugh.

Corinne Bohrer as the bride
Corinne Bohrer is the ultimate "hey, it's that lady!" She used to pop up in sitcoms and commercials all the time.

Semisonic photo
So am I crazy in thinking that the photo labeled Semisonic is a joke? It looks like Paul Westerberg! Maybe I just can't ID my Minneapolis musicians.

iTunes skip count
My response to this question is automated by iTunes' skip count. I have this constant fascination/dread of what I'm listening to and what I'm neglecting, especially music I've had since I was a teenager, much of which I should just delete. But I'm a digital pack rat (maybe even hoarder).

Imaginary Person
is the best song on this album. And it is a great album.

Eddiebones, you're referring to Archie's execution by electric chair?

Start with Prisoner of Azkaban, it's the best one. That's how I was introduced to the series (then I read the books and felt compelled to see the rest of the movies). I still haven't seen the first two movies and have no intention to.

@WTF, I absolutely didn't mean that Conan's interviews are like, '50s-style completely scripted, just that there are, as you say, pre-interviews and blue cards . I'm saying he takes that template and makes it interesting, going off on tangents. That's where the funny is.

If anyone who has never heard the Fiery Furnaces is interested, Matthew Perpetua of Fluxblog coincidentally put together a compilation here: http://perpetua.tumblr.com/…

Guess I'm the only person in the world (or on the AV Club) who likes "I'm Going Away".

Yeah but
I don't understand the criticism that Conan's interviews are his weakness. Sure, he follows a script, but it's the moments when he's genuinely surprised by a guest and then turns it back around on them that are comedy gold. Or whenever he has a guest like Jeff Goldblum or somebody, where it's just an

Oh, Mr. Pigeon
I'd kiss you if you weren't swimming with disease!

I got two reminders to vote in the mail from Republican groups this week. So to be fair, ineptitude is bipartisan.