
Yes, absolutely. I was constantly praised for being clever, and if I encountered a difficulty I got yelled at for not trying hard enough. So, not surprising I ended up with substance abuse problems in retail.

Comic Sans is a typeface, not a font.

How many corpses did you see there?

I have been making a bean stew recently (ingredients: onion, carrots, celery, stock, thyme, sage, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans,and beans) and the last couple of times I added a bay leaf. From a jar. It was a pretty fresh feeling leaf, but from a jar. It made ALL the difference. I believe in bay leaves now.

It takes forever to grind three teaspoons of pepper, and when it's mixed with salt, ginger, cardamon, cumin, coriander, and cayenne, then mixed in cornmeal and used to coat fish for frying, does it really matter? Really? Especially if I go through a jar a month?

No mention of the apparent Blue Velvet reference? Or was that just me?

So how about a ventriloquist clown with a dummy that looks like an identical clown, but the dummy talks like a real person, and the ventriloquist talks in a helium voice?

I have Amazon Prime but I still order books at Barnes and Nobel. It's less convenient, but browsing books at B&N is better than browsing in Amazon. Although B&N is a shitty bookstore.

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

I saw Dolly earlier this year in northern suburb of Atlanta, and it was exactly that mix of devout rural Christians and the LGBT community. And it was great, but kind of tense. She mentioned, in a non-partisan way, the election, and the sound of an entire audience holding their breath at once was really unnerving.

No, I'm holding true to my principles. Any new movies by that Hitchcock fella will be picketed by me.

One thing that really stuck with me about the making of this was that Michael Douglas produced it after being given the rights by his father, Kirk, who had played the lead role int he stage adaptation. Michael Douglas told his father that he was too old to play the role int he film, and gave it to Nicholson.

Seems like the only qualms people would have against it would be if they don't believe in evolution or they're being deceptively reductive.

It's hilarious how the right convince themselves of that, in their smug, flatulent little way. The real left, not the ones rebelling against mummy and daddy when they left for uni, retained their political positions. They developed as society did, yes, but the core beliefs are there. I don't know anyone from when I

I am shocked that link wasn't a rickroll.

What was hilarious about the successful infiltration of the British far-right in the 80s was how easy it was to destroy them. The plan was to sow discord by planting false evidence, but it turned out that most of the upper echelons either had historic sexual relationships/children with minority women, or were secretly

Well that's not bloody surprising, man!

Spoiler? She doesn't talk about it yet, does she?

Which is easy enough to do, because who really knows what Mark Morrison looks like?