
I would have preferred it as a war on terror analogy. They served together during the clone wars, and the slide to the dark side began as the ends justifying the means. When faced with a terrible enemy Anakin began to do terrible things, and in the end he became angry with the liberal complacency of the Jedi. The

Also, how effective is he at this? The fucker can't even go on a simple car journey without causing a crisis. Spend that airfare on food that a competent aid worker can distribute. Bloody glory hounds….

I really hope that they end the series by having her be murdered by Colin Sweeney. The last half of the episode can close out with him being successfully defended by Diane. As he wanders away chuckling the it can fade out to the NSA listening in.

I am not sure when that delineation is. This was in 2013.

If you really want to hate this song more, and destroy your mind a little more, watch Glenn Beck interpret it in his (for this) perfect, rambling conspiracy-theorist way. The problem is that it is absolutely appropriate, and he may be completely correct.

No. No she didn't. That was a cover.

It's such a shame you weren't around to explain things properly to the poor dear a few years ago. It would have saved everyone a lot of bother, and spared her the effort of having to write such a long graphic novel.

Sorry to poop on your parade, but it wasn't a party boat. It was an architectural boat tour. I know this because I was on the one behind it with my in-laws, and we wondered why it turned back so early. Talk about dodging a fucking bullet….

I read 1984 in 1983 so I could have read it before its titular year. Unfortunately I was only ten years old at the time, and that level of sex and violence, plus an unrelentingly bleak ending can kind of fuck up a ten year old. I blame that book for much of my adolescent wankiness.

I really saw a lot of myself in those little bastards. I would have been exactly the same. Probably worse. And I love the fact that no matter what happens Penny is always a dick.

No, he's a cock.


I looked it up, and you were right. My brain is apparently full of rage and bullshit, which is not all that surprising.

I remember being especially enraged by the book cover competition. They picked the most obvious, hacky interpretation of a Dracula book cover, and the Penguin rep looked mortified that they were going to have to use it.

Republicans can be a valuable source of protein.

So no one's going to mention the Nick Cave reference?

Almost. Laibach did the definitive version, unfortunately few people have heard it.