The Homemade Cranberry Sauce people and the Canned Cranberry Sauce people will put aside their differences and join forces against a common enemy, i.e., you.
The Homemade Cranberry Sauce people and the Canned Cranberry Sauce people will put aside their differences and join forces against a common enemy, i.e., you.
Then you have to stand in the Naughty Corner with the people who serve Tofurkey.
Looking up answers to crossword puzzles isn’t cheating, it’s practicing. It’s how you learn the answers for next time. Or for puzzles like the ones in the NYT, it’s how you learn about their quirks, how what clues really mean from the way they’re worded. Looking up answers is how you get better at crosswords.
My desire to own a PS5 has been tempered somewhat by the release of a few of my must-have titles on PC, with the almost certainty of more of them being released on PC as well in the future.
Also, I have made my purchase of a PS5 part of a reward for reaching a certain weight-loss goal. At my current rate of progress,…
Too bad “Birther” was already taken.
Okay, so two months is too long, then?
Okay, Biden, now’s the time to commission Trump’s portrait for the presidential gallery.
So we have a chosen one called Skywalker Scargiver, living on Arrakis Tatooine some unnamed desert planet, there will be fights with lightsabers glowing swords, and epic battles against the Galactic Empire Space Fascists.
I mean, the #1 red flag is, it’s an HOA contract.
They should really release a short featurette or something filling people in a bit about her backstory.
They actually did it right with stereoscopic 3D. Plus they used it to give the movie actual depths instead of just throwing shit at the audience like a lot of other 3D movies do. The tunnel scenes especially.
So far I’m finding season 2 of Good Omens to be kinda boring.
Squidbillies is also leaving, something that may be important to some of the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim crowd.
There will be a special memorial gathering of his fans in the basement of the Alamo.
They’re both old bowling alleys that predate pin setting machines.
No, it’s mostly just adults who don’t want to spend their Saturday night bowling under a bunch of black lights surrounded by teenagers with contemporary pop music blasting on the speakers.
There are still a couple of private bowling clubs in my town that employ pin boys. My older brother’s first job was working as a pin boy, and that was in the early to mid 90's.
He also insists that you can talk about him without mentioning he’s a moron.
If only they got that on tape. What an astounding mental gymnastics display Republicans would put on then.