“As a little side note, if you compare the Undies suit and the Advanced suit, you may note that the Undies version’s butt is just a little bit perkier. Gotta know your audience.”
“As a little side note, if you compare the Undies suit and the Advanced suit, you may note that the Undies version’s butt is just a little bit perkier. Gotta know your audience.”
If I were a kid on the internet why in the hell would I go to twitch to see paint covered breasts when there is a sea of other sexual content out there. Good lord with this line of thinking.
This man can do it all: play a dog, play an ape, and legalize your documents for a small fee
Ah, the Great White Maybe™ strikes again.
Oh cool, I'll just use all this extra money I have lying around to pay hundreds or thousands more to buy extra leg space every time I need to fly.
Oh, I was the problem on a flight once, too. My husband and I had been on a 5-day boat trip to see orangutans in Borneo, and there wasn’t a way to bathe on the boat; the river, where one would usually bathe, was full of crocodiles. So we’d been jungle-sweating 24/7 in the same clothes, and we went to get on our flight…
I once read a very funny parody advice column called something like, “Air Travel Etiquette for the Internet Age.” It posits that your seatmate is streaming porn and offers conversational gambits.
This contest is over. Congratulations, and OMG EWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
I was on a Southwest* flight with my mom and we had taken aisle seats across from each other. A mother, let’s call her Chloe, with about a 2 year old child sat down in the window and middle seats next to my mom.
You win and I saw someone die on a plane once.
I’d go one step further. If Twitch investigates a mass reported channel and finds nothing wrong, they should lifetime ban every single person who reported the channel during the mass reporting period, on the grounds of harassment and trolling.
Sanders has never been held accountable. His supporters are such a thin-skinned pack of shrieking cry babies that his primary opponents (both in 2016 and in this cycle) have treated him with kid gloves. This is a grave disservice, since his history is a vast tract of unexploded land mines.
I worked in restaurants for over a decade when I was younger and 100% of kitchen workers peel garlic by crushing cloves between the flat of a chef’s knife and a cutting board. I don’t know why you would use two bowls, it accomplishes literally the same thing without looking like a dingus smashing two bowls…
but also, just slam them with the flat of your knife
Okay I hope you wash your hands though.
Have radiator under the window? Tuck the closed curtain onto the window sill so that warm air does not circulate up between the curtain and window.
“Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a day, but set fire to him and he’s warm for the rest of his life.”
There is some serious salt in the comments here, to be expected with the NFL-levels of blind and fervent fanboy-ism rampant in modern politics. I dislike anytime political sides have to come into it, but it suites here, especially in the shadow of so many cross-aisle presidencies that held the Kennedy livery in…
My wife works in housekeeping at a local hotel, and I will say most of the folks replying to this article are not typical of the average guest who stays there. This article would be great if ALL the normal “run of the mill” hotel guest had access to it. The replies on here would seem that everyone just goes into their…