
I’m hoping this scandal can open up the door for American teens to start getting the gap year. Seriously, every teenager deserves at least one year off between HS and college and really figure out what they want out of college. Sure, rich kids can go on a year back pack through Europe or whatever, but even working

Yes they do. Because, first “cracker” is hilarious. Second, those words have not historically been used to oppress white people. (Because that’s not a thing).

Except that they weren’t, and you falsely saying they are doesn’t make it so, any more than what the protestors are inaccurately and inappropriately lobbing at Clinton. You should submit to your own “advice” for them.

And they thought they could raise money for themselves off the publicity, Dweik’s got a Venmo up. Let me see them pull this kind of confrontation with Ivanka, who actually has a role in her fathers White House which Chelsea has never had, and then I’ll believe it isnt just a publicity stunt attacking someone who won’t

Criticizing Israel is not being anti-Semitic, I don’t understand why Chelsea had to be there and then saying she “is sorry she’s feeling that way”.

When people show you who they are, believe them.

Sucks about the job huh lady? Take some time to get your mind off it. Maybe go to the zoo. Wanna take a selfie with a big cat?

I giggled at that for five minutes solid, which is how I know the gummi just kicked in.

I wish the media would pay greater attention to the fact that the Jackson family were Jehovah’s Witnesses. After all, the JWs are a twisted, patriarchal cult that has a history of covering up child abuse. I think it would be illuminating to see the Jackson family’s sordid past discussed within that particular

You’re incorrect. There are limits and quotas for every year in every school. Even though YOU think they can just “add one more,” that’s not how it works. Stop asserting that this is a victimless crime. It DOES take slots away from people who deserve it, and it perpetuates money-based access to brand name education,

They can apply and have a good chance at being accepted at Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Stanford...”

All those other schools are doing the exact same thing. “Who cares?” Tell that to the hundreds/thousands of disadvantaged children who can’t even get a foot in the door because of dumb assholes like Kushner who have Daddy to cover for them. You should care because this is how kleptocracies are formed.

The endowment alone would make Harvard the 85th richest country in the world.... unreal

I’m enjoying your back and forth with that dimwit. Men are so emotional!

I’m not sure about that. Keep in mind that Garth was a character on SNL before the movie and Spheeris was involved. It’s not impossible that Myers and Carvey created Garth specifically thinking of Spheeris, but it would have been a pretty long while before she was involved with the movie.

I would like to request that Ms. Spheeris write an autobiography . . . growing up in traveling carnivals and becoming a successful filmaker AND facing down the Wicked Letch of the West AND to come out the other side a punk rock lady with zero fucks to give?!? More, yes, please.

One of the only good parts of Suicide Squad was Deadshot’s demands for his daughter. Paraphrasing:

This whole thread has Bean the highlight of my day.

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

Well, at least this case gives us...