
Can you give us more details on this? Why....what does he do during the day? Is he angry about something? jealous? What’s happening?

This is the presidential question, isn’t it?

Yes. They are. Get off my lawn.

For what it’s worth, I totally agree with you.

It’s a schtick. To make them stand out and be a unique thing to go to. Like those giant 3lb burritos on Man vs Food...

Someone below said their pancakes are 14” across and 1” thick.

Agreed. I told a stranger I met at my aunt’s house that I wanted a big fancy wedding and he (old, white male pastor) told me it’s not about the party and all that shit.

I have a question:

This is amazing. It is perfect in all ways.

Did no one read the series?

Wait, what? They made bank on that show!

I suspect that these rules may apply to non-nerdy types and the girls whose lives revolve around being attractive and desirable to all males everywhere..?

My dad has this on his hands/forearms. We’re white so it’s only really noticible if you’re looking for it or if he’s tanned. I always thought it was really cool. I called them his cow spots. It made him unique and special to me.

This is amazing! I want to do that!

I think she’s gorgeous! I love her arms (the only part of her I’ve really gotten a good look at) and envy them. I have a similar build (though am overweight. Boo) and I can build muscle like that. I love it! I love being powerful, strong and independent. It’s amazing and I love the confidence boost I get.

SWWWeeeeeeet! :D

If that’s what your company does, it seems like an emergency is just a way to remind you that they hold the power over your job. At least, that’s my first impression.

But that’s efficient. Work them to death young, they die young and then you can get a fresh new crop.

This needs more stars. I want to know what becomes of your situation!

Nonono, you must beat them with a fear stick! MAKE THEM SUFFER FOR COSTING YOU MONEY!