
Guess I have to preempt Trump’s bullshit by declaring myself president as of right now.

“Americans have the right to gather under the First Amendment to hear from the President of the United States,” said spokesperson Courtney Parella.

“It’s not just that we can be better, it’s that we have to be better. We’re not good enough right now.”

Why is the Latino community confused about the benefits of voting for Biden over Trump? What has the GOP done for them lately?

They’ll still vote for him. When you lick Satan’s anus you’re pretty much married to him until death.

Pope says what others won’t

The look of sadness in Leslie Stahl’s face when she has to tell the sitting president of the United States that there has been no verification that the Democrats spied on his campaign is a sight to behold. And then that moment when she has to tell Trump that she hasn’t interviewed Joe Biden, just that voice.

Wonder if Lisa knew about this

Man, the train of thought to mouth thing is getting fucking old. It’s like verbal diarrhea.

When did America come out of the first wave?

It’s amazing to watch how no one can or even tries to rein Trump in. In a normal situation, Trump would be in a hospital or more likely a nursing home and either his wife or one of his kids would have power-of-attorney to act as his health care proxy. Instead we get to watch as this guy dissolves in front of the

All this because a black man was elected President. Legally. Twice. Never let white folks live this down

These are the same people that agree that trump has been treated so unfairly, he should get another 4 years in charge regardless of the election results even though he spent a whole ass year worth of days on his golf course trying to collect some of that $4,000,000 he is in debt to foreign banks.

Closing bars and requiring a piece of cloth be worn in public to protect citizens from actually dying = tyranny

Clinton was too cold and distant, and now Harris is too animated. It’s almost like people want women to stop trying to run for office.

I still can’t believe this is going to be an in-person debate! Everyone involved *just* watched Trump and family: (probably) lie about taking COVID tests, refuse to follow rules about audience members wearing masks, infect at least 11 people with the virus, and then inform anyone at the debate about his possible

Heather needs a psych exam.

Replace “Christian” with “literally any other religion” and she would would never be hired as a congressional staffer, much less one of the 50 or so most important jobs in the country. Fuck this cult member.