
Trump thinks he’s the king of the USA, so that makes his wife the queen. Since she’s the queen, the DOJ should protect her. They think like this because not a single person in congress is trying to stop them, mainly due to the blackmailing Trump is doing to a majority of the Republican senators.

Shitstain wants multiple rallies every day. He’s super addicted to the high he gets when people cheer for him. There’s no reason to even hold them, they’re not a legitimate way to campaign since no news outlet will cover them and people who are still “on the fence” won’t attend one of his rallies.

The way it will work is Biden will spend his time cleaning up the mess Trump made, and after 4 years, the Republicans will run on a platform saying Biden has done nothing and the ignorant will eat it up and vote Republican. Then the cycle starts all over again..

Not pastor, cult leader.

Except she’s not a Catholic, she’s a member of a cult. She just claims she’s Catholic because she was before she joined the cult, and saying she’s Catholic sounds better than her cult’s name. They tried super hard to scrub her name from their activities when she was picked, which means they were afraid of their cult

The 74 year old obese man with a heart disease who has abused hard drugs and barely sleeps says he’s in perfect health.

I think it’s because he wanted the full 2000 people they were planning on showing up. Instead, he got a few hundred. Without a large crowd, he just gets upset.

The doctors that looked after him at Walter Reed all signed NDAs to not say a word about his health. If he’s that controlling, what makes anyone think a doctor he chooses will tell the truth?

He’s so desperate for a rally, he keeps talking about them in every Fox interview he does. He’s addicted to the attention he gets at them, they serve no campaign purpose at all, the only people that would attend them are his supporters, and news networks refuse to cover them since they have low ratings. He can’t

If people don’t vote for him, they won’t get paid. It’s been seen before when he announced that tax relief scam, how if people vote for him in November and he wins, he’ll do everything he can to make sure they don’t have to pay the tax back next year. He’s literally trying to buy the election.

It was painful to watch. At this point, everyone around him who hasn’t done something to get that elderly man help is guilty of elder abuse. His moron doctor should have force him to stay, but because he’s Donald Trump, no one will say “no” to him.

He’s constantly one-upping the insanity, I don’t know how he does it. I thought the driving stunt the other day was crazy, but this is just so much worse.

His return to the White House is completely insane. He’s posing and acting like a dictator.

It means don’t wear a face mask, don’t social distance, nothing should be locked down, everyone should go back to work and school. He’s trying to prove it’s nothing but a little cold even though 200 000+ people in the US alone have died of it.

I was wondering when they’d get around to that. It’s a shame their argument is so easily defeated: marriage existed for thousands of years BEFORE their little Christianity came to be. It has nothing to do with God, Jesus, or their faith.

His need to appear strong and feed his ego is well past the point of dangerous now. He is willingly putting himself in danger, and no one, not a single person is trying to stop him.

You can’t believe a word he or those around him say, so always assume the opposite.

William Barr is refusing to quarantine. He was at those events, he was exposed to people who are now sick. That man is pure evil.

The debate group thought a man who has been caught lying well over 20 000 times in 4 years could be trusted.

COVID-19 is just too random. I never wanted him to get it since if he gets a mild case, he can use that to justify why no one should care about COVID.