Holy shit, the way he talks clearly proves he has a form of dementia. The fact that the GOP is trying to defend his impeachment really shows you how pathetic they are. They have the perfect way to remove him but won’t use it.
Holy shit, the way he talks clearly proves he has a form of dementia. The fact that the GOP is trying to defend his impeachment really shows you how pathetic they are. They have the perfect way to remove him but won’t use it.
Why did they rush the movie then? They rushed it to open it up against Star Wars, which they had no hope of even coming close to. Who is the head of Universal, and why are they still employed?
I’ve been saying that for years. All you have to do is look at Graham, see how he kept insulting Trump, then suddenly one day he was praising him. They were told to either support Trump or retire like Ryan did. Since they all went along with the threats, it really shows how little integrity they all have.
They had a plan, and it was stupid as hell: 3 different directors will each make a movie in a trilogy, and hopefully each one would work together to create a storyline.
This is their response to an impeachment charge about how Trump abuses power and believes himself to be a king. Their response is claiming Trump is a power-hungry man who wants even more power to rule over the universe.
Ahh Christians. The Ten Commandments only apply to other people, not them. They’re free to break as many of their god’s rules as they want.
So much for his claim that it’s LED lightbulbs that make him look orange. I honestly don’t know how anyone would fall for that lie..
Craven only worked on 1 and 3, he had nothing to do with 2, 4-6. 2 isn’t even considered canon.
Meanwhile, the military is getting frustrated with how he constantly goes behind their backs and tries to tell them what they should do no matter how bad it is for them.
Guess what area reporters stalk? The helicopter area. They wouldn’t take the helicopter because he would be seen with a health issue.
No, he has to have a heart attack. You do know that once the House impeachment is over, it goes to the Senate, who will find him innocent, right? This is all for nothing, the only thing that can happen is Americans get angry with the Senate for clearing Trump, and you know that won’t happen.
In the past few years the fact that the Trump sons have no chin due to their inferior genetics kept making the rounds, so they both decided growing beards would make them look like they had a chin.
The excuse is pretty funny, that “2020 will be very busy”. Ok. Sure. I question the logic of going for a physical when he’s already got high blood pressure and a heart disease, and just spent the day before literally rage-tweeting.
By the end of the day his mind is gone completely due to his dementia. But it’s obvious he has to watch it, he’s so obsessed with himself there’s no way he’ll turn his back to all this, he NEEDS to see and hear what is being said about him.
He was sober enough to give a speech at night?
I fail to see how that will help. The city was built on a swamp and has been sinking into said swamp for centuries. No barriers will protect it, it’s going under eventually, climate change or not.
Americans don’t filter their milk like other countries do, and they allow their dairy farmers to add growth hormone and other garbage to their dairy cattle which is in the milk they produce. American milk is sipping a big tall glass of hormones and pus.
Ok Boomer.
A man who worships Andrew Jackson doesn’t want the indigenous peoples of the USA to be honored with a heritage month? How shocking!
He pays “millions of dollars in taxes” yet refuses to prove that fact.