I forgot about Dmitri! I hadn't realized how much I missed him!! Thank you.
I forgot about Dmitri! I hadn't realized how much I missed him!! Thank you.
The sweetest, sexiest, and most wonderful man I know is Iranian. Just throwing that out there.
All I can think is, is there a "Choose your own adventure" dating ad out there somewhere?? It seems like we're so close. If there is, link me. If not, LET'S MAKE ONE. Who's with me? Please note, if you want to work on this with me, you must please be reciprocate.
DAMMIT. I knew there was a reason I shouldn't have had those threesomes! I've ruined my chances with this paragon and only have myself and a few other people to blame!
Note: "Bhaiya" means, more or less, "Big brother" in Hindi. It is often used by women to show a mix of respect and completely non-sexual affection. In other words, the "Don't tase me, bro!" of rape defense.
Until something totally unimaginable happens, I will continue to find kissy noises to be by far the creepiest. Especially the ones where it's sort of indistinct, and you're like, what is that and where is it coming from?? And then you look up and see him staring at you from his truck across the street. EWWWWWW.
I'm a Believer (Monkees), followed by Sugar Sugar (Archies). Perfect. But then, as stated, almost anything would be.
Wow. I was sitting here feeling bad because I knew it described me, and hoped it was just my ADHD that caused it, but then you came along. Very nicely said.
I used to tape, but then I started feeling paranoid/stupid. But now it's BACK ON, BABY! Within 30 seconds after reading this. I almost used my last fancy band-aid in desperation. WHY MUST I BE CONSTANTLY TOPLESS??
I had an almost identical thought process. I do bike deliveries, so pretty much all of me is a bit beat up at any given time. When I read the toe thing, the part of my brain that is conditioned by society to care about these things was like, Oh crap! But then I came to my senses and realized that I don't want anything…
What, you want him to find a baby potato sprout and cultivate it into the shape of a heart like a friggin bonzai?? And then he'd have to find some way of getting it to her. Why not just change the shape of a pre-existing one which is already in her possession? Way easier.
I texted my friend who used to run a bronze foundry and this is what she had to say:
"There's a big difference between bronzing and casting bronze. Bronzing is not recommended for perishables. Like your baby shoes, it is just dipped in a colored polymer made with bronze dust. The thing is still inside forever. I would…
Dude, I wasn't even allowed to be home alone with my gay male best friend. Dude. This is nuts! Not entirely against it tho. It worked on Roseanne!
I'm with ya. I overheat VERY easily, and I'm a bit of an insomniac, so cuddling=no sleep. I've definitely offended a boyfriend or two by asking them nicely to get the hell off me.Animals, however, get all the snuggles. They're furry! It's different! My old cat and I were inseparable; the new one sometimes likes to…
My pseudo-boyfriend is out of town, so I guess I'll have to try it on whatever random person I encounter while walking to the corner store. Because it must be done. This will be interesting...
After perusing the other comments, my hat is truly off to you. You have maintained a level of civility which I can only assume has something to do with your being southern. You voiced your opinion and thoughts on the topic, but did not try to dictate to others how they should behave. When unreasonably attacked, you…
Kudos for speaking your mind, even thought you knew people would hate it. Seriously.
As much as I hate seeing feet (I REALLY REALLY DO), I also understand that people just want to be comfortable (but what is up with the pseudo-word "mandals??" No). While it is very considerate of you to cover up while breastfeeding,…
So many of these comments on this are so, so sad. A few are even horrific. But look at this: People keep talking about how their parents or family members have terrible thoughts on abortion and such, come from religious homes, etc., and yet have formed rational, sound opinions for themselves. I have seen first-hand in…
HAHA Yeah I would too. Ugh. And I know; one of my best friends is a yoga teacher! That sounds hilarious to me right now. She's a badass mother and social worker who teaches on her down time. What a cool lady! I wish they could all be like you guys. But I don't think it will ever be for me, sadly.
Ugh, yes; as someone who has avoided said picture so far, THANK YOU.