
Thank you, Lindy. This is exactly what I needed to read right now. I'm in the middle of a drawn out breakup after over two years together (we love each other, but it's just not right). I know that what you and Fontanel say here is so 100% correct, and reading it really gives me strength to do what I know I need to do.

THANK YOU. I was beginning to think that I was the only one enraged by yoga. I could do headstands all day, and love me some warrior or tree or whatevs poses when I'm a little buzzed (my tipsy vrkshasana is surprisingly untipsy), but those classes made me IRATE. If it wasn't a college course, I would have quit so

While your points are totally valid, I kind of REALLY wish this were a thing. I've only called in sick to work once in the last year and a half, and it was because I was vomiting and kept almost passing out and was in insane pain from PMS. I get it really bad every few months, but many times it's thankfully on a

What prison is he going to? I want to start an organization that sends cookies, cash, and cigarettes to inmates who rape him in the shower.

I think you did a great job of writing about being a parent while not being a parent; lots of disclaimers and "I know that I don't know!"s. I admire your courage.
Also, I was traumatized by that London story and every dog-death book I read, and still am. I stopped reading one of my favorite series, "The Dark is

If you want to go the hott young revolutionary route but want to be on the right side of history, you can jump on the Bhagat Singh bandwagon with me. I love that man.

DUDE. I once found an antique set of violet ray cathodes in the basement of the building I lived in. It looked like a more American Horror Story version of the link below. The super creepy (of course) guy that I sold it to was a total dick (of course), blaming me for the fact that he had his paypal address set to the

I thought we all knew about that anyways. I know I couldn't stop thinking about it when I went on it for the first (and so far only) time. In a way it was a good thing, because it distracted me from my INTENSE fear of heights. Because JESUS CHRIST that shit is high!!

You had me at "john waters."

Because I am very sleepy, I want to make sure I didn't sound like I was saying that I thought your opinions/feelings about your experiences were wrong; sometimes when people say they "understand your reaction," they're implying, "but you're wrong." I 100% did not mean that.

Honest question: Racist how, exactly? I get the islamophobic part, but do you also mean against black women, etc.? I guess I never really thought of these problems as problems with feminists, but rather problems with people, some of whom happen to be feminists. But I certainly understand your reaction.

I thought it was going to be Pippa playing Eschaton.

I'm intrigued by these girls who feel so strongly about the non-rapeness. Here's my take: They don't want to have to feel scared, or worry when they go out to have fun. Like most young people, they feel invincible. "It could never happen to ME!!" So there has to be something that makes those other girls different.

Shit, I've been calling it ostro-erotic. Whoops.

Just be careful if you choose to shave your hands; that's how Kevin Kostner died in The Big Chill.

It seems like he should be more concerned that if the trash man sees it, he will instantly become addicted to porn because it CANNOT BE UNSEEN, and less concerned what this random stranger thinks about him. Where are your priorities, sir??

Peej had to find something to throw himself into to try to forget that he looks like a middle aged lesbian.

I would say a glass with ice is always the way to go, UNLESS it's a can of Mountain Dew. Also, Barq's Red Cream Soda should be in a styrofoam cup with ice.

I actually have a much bigger problem with the idea of giving tiny children these drugs at all. They're KIDS. Hyperactivity happens. Giving these drugs to developing minds seems... just not right. I didn't take dexedrine til I was in 8th or 9th grade, but it still screwed up my brain chemistry even worse than it

That fish now wants to commit suicide, but he can't, because that's illegal, yo.