A very Trumpian response!
A very Trumpian response!
Stupid. Perhaps in 10 years this will turn into something better.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to photograph people in the bathroom.
But I don’t think the Ricketts are backing Clinton. All Hillary does is abuse black people.
FWIW, Dylan turned down his Nobel prize.
Racist? He didn’t seem to be trying to offend any culture. You should probably grow a pair.
The author of this article is a wretched person. Clintonian levels of shit.
Blind bag toys...
This makes Watch Dogs 2 a no buy.
do this and wait for the politically correct police to take fun away
You praise Biden for the same reason people throw Trump under the bus. Both are honest men.
Another American embarrassment
I wonder how much money these people get paid to flood social media with pro HRC propaganda? Does it matter? HRC still laughs at them behind their backs for being little peons in her evil machine. She will never help you out because she only helps people who can give HER money.
It was the only fair debate of the three. The other two were stacked by HRC’s hired hit squad media friends. HRC should be in prison.
SNL is still on?
I wonder if Bill told Monica that he loved her as she was sucking him off in the Oval office.
Bill Clinton rapes many women and gets elected to a second term. The media is biased. The media is bought. No one talks about Clinton because their jobs depend on it and they are whores. But Bill Clinton doesn’t want whores, he can’t feel powerful with a whore.
It should come as no surprise that a Mercedes owner has no problem with killing someone.
Still not as bad as Hillary Clinton
Wow, so she actually got one right.