
Good news everybody, Piz is moving into his own apartment with two sexy ladies.

Oh, the humanity!

Veronica of Mars

I vote for the guy who plays Daario Naharis (Dany's new love interest) on Game Of Thrones. He looks like Freddy's love child.

*Fires up 'I Actually Am Billy Corgan's Lawyer' gimmick account*

As a fan of stupid wordplay, I'll always remember this as the show that starred both Matthew Fox and Scott Wolf. I had always hoped they'd work in a cameo by Australian indigenous actor Ernie Dingo.

What are these 'imported accounts' you speak of?

"Find your soulmate!"

Steely Dan  are still awesome. I saw them last year in Melbourne. Fagen played Aja on a melodica.

If she was an FBI operative working on a secret project regarding paranormal phenomena she'd be special agent 'Fox' Smulders!

I had always heard that it was mostly invertebrates found on the Jurassic Coast with the occasional marine reptile like plesiosaurs or ichthyosaurs. It's a marine deposit, so the presence of bones from terrestrial animals like dinosaurs would be very rare.

Well, they shouldn't have been on the palaeontologists' turf in the first place. On this dig, we do things by the book!!

In a couple of years after the context is forgotten this photo will be cited, straight-faced, as evidence of the validity of young earth creationism. It'll go great with those photos of human footprints walking alongside dinosaurs and civil war pterosaurs.

Well, they were going to build a model of a giant pair of tits but the local Christian groups complained.

I've come to the realisation that every time I have to pick up my dog's shit (to put it in the bin, I'm not a weirdo or anything) I unconsciously adopt an identical Cersei expression of mild distaste. I can't make my face do it in any other context.

Dinosaur bones falls under paleontology, not archaeology.


"Good evening Prince Regent.

I fucking hate Calibri. Are there any black metal bands that sing about the total eradication of inferior and impure fonts? There's not?

"This porridge is just (extreme) right!"