
Honestly, i think the better move for sprint in the near term is to to pay whatever the cost it would be to get an iphone on their network and a contract for an 4g iphone next year.

shit looks like it could kill you which is ironic considering it's purpose.

@ddhboy: looks more like WebOS so the suit would be Palm.

is 4G available in LA and NYC yet cause honestly they'd have been my first markets considering the population numbers, thus potential customers.

@Mr_Biggles: i don't have an iphone but honestly, i went to the apple store to check it out and couldnt' replicate this. the other thing is i barely make phone calls now so i can only wonder how much this would affect me in the real world. on the 4th of july i witness a facetime call and they had no reception issues

too bad. i used to have tmobile and honestly, i was more then pleased. great prices, outstanding hassle free service, upgrades when i wanted it. And i pretty much live and travel in cities only so good service, plus i could roam free on AT&T. i'd be sad to see that option go cause they help keep downward pressure on

@xor24: An AR-15 with a holo sight


another thing. this doesn't but a myth about baking soda. the articles says baking soda is "very poor at absorbing odors." It doesn't say that it absorbs no odors.

the reason you add alcohol and set it on fire when cooking is to burn off the Alcohol flavor, not to burn off all the alcohol.

@Canoehead: honestly i'd hope the big problem would be getting shot down by fighter jets. Not that have anything against photographers.

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: yeah it's kinda like the fact that you can make a honda civic fast like a porsche so long as you've covered all the other variables like guttting the care stripping it of excess weight and buying a ton of expensive after market products to supe up the engine.

@Cola82: another thing. i find it hard to side with outrage about her "sexing it up" when Jezebel's tag line says "celebrity, SEX..."

@Cola82: she doesn't have to be a comedian to get the job. and that you guys are poorly informed on her career is your fault not the daily show's.

@kmk55: yeah exactly. it's female bullshit. they are the ones saying her only merit is her looks. Who's the sextist ones? Jezebel that's who?

what an utterly bullshit article. Olivia Munn is quite witty, she's a good host on her show, she's an author, and she's got great personality. What a bunch of catty b.s. This is like an episode of the Hills. The real problem is you don't like that she's pretty. She interviewed for a job and got it. Stop hating on her

i kinda just heard blah blah blah

good idea but the hole is too small for decent speaker wire. That and lots of ikea stuff is kinda tacky looking.