
@Tny Ky: wh! t's th ntrnt. fn 'v bn wrnd. 'm ptrfd! Wht sd ws spt n! Ths whl thrd s th prdct f stpd d by ppl tht r wk mndd.

@SSgtTEX: and they insisted on telling me about it all the time. Hopefully this will stop that forever. GOOD!

@FlawedHero: its intended to be silly. i don't actually care about that stuff.

@Ldy frmrly f th Bnns: f tht's wht y rd whn t's nt wht ws wrttn thn clrly y, n fct, r NT ntllgnt.

good. i didn't like it.

@Ldy frmrly f th Bnns: thnk y. wy t b s mntlly frgl y cn't b rspnsbl fr yr wn slf stm. y'r jst wk. nd dp dwn tht's yr dwnfll. y'r mntlly wk nd nbdy wnts wk mndd wmn.

@Lady formerly of the Bananas: this is a bunch of women's magazine images. you're fucking up you're own self esteem. it's not men making those magazines it's women and gay dudes in your fashion magazines.

wld ls lk dsclmr thn n thy fllwng rl lf phtshpry:

what if they use Paint shop pro?

@The SmacK: and high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer run in my family. That said i had a large burrito yesterday. but all things in moderation.

@The SmacK: yeah, i've just noticed there are a whole lot of people that go well past that on a daily basis. Plus let's say you run for 45 minutes. most people only burn about 500k in that time. But it's not really just the calories, it's the sodium and the choleterol that's really not healthy, assuming you're eating

@brianfhancock: totally agree. I'm not moving all the dead bodies just to store some cows.

@The SmacK: This burger is probably well over 1000 calories and not great ones at that. i think for most people "reasonable meals" would come as a shock nutritionally.

@HuitZiloP: No it's not healthy. It's fatty ground beef sizzling in it's own grease. i mean the only healthy thing there is the tomato an lettuce and that doesn't make up for the salt, saturated fat, the simple carbs that will eventually turn to sugar (i think) and be packed on as fat. i mean it's a burger. You're

@mrknowitall: yeah Fat Burger kills in and out. Not to mention i live next door to one. Not that i go very often. But i can't go to a burger place that doesn't offer bacon.

@CrazyLineman777: no idea why? but fyi, lockheed martin makes more then military stuff, they also do data management for businesses and stuff. that said still don't know why they'd want it.

@wild7s: seriiously. make that. a crawler that pulls only pics of slutty girls and their facebook profiles. now that is useful

@Fill Matic: totally agree with the last paragraph. skill is important but it takes a lot more then skill to rock a party.

@Philip Han: ha ha my pops is an audiophile. I'm made a concious effort not to be. DJing became expensive enough just digging through crates.