
@Zomb: No in fact they are not the same. When you sue McDonalds for hot coffee you're sueing a corporate entity which protects the ceo in all but certain circumstances where you can "pierce the corporate veil." none of which are apparent in your coffee hypothetical. In fact preventing personal liability is precisely

@RamV10: the graphic does not say that. the graphic displays a range of possible "effects of holding and iphone 4". it does not say that why the effect occurs. it must be worded differently. and you're explanation may be what they were trying to say but the graphic is not clear.

the graphic doesn't show "why some people experience the iPhone 4 signal drop problems while others haven't been able to reproduce it. It also explains why Apple's incoming software update—which promises more accurate signal bars—won't fix the antenna problem."

@Zomb: What she did was illegal and they have every right to have her arrested.

@CCM333: nah, cause when they whine, "I don't like walmart." it really ruins the mood. I'm like, you know buy all you're penicillin there. Now take this card and put it towards curing you're next case of crabs."

@Skreenname: damn that sucks. mine charges nothing. i got free checking and i don't get charged to use my debit card. over draft fees are not an issue. i keep a balance that more then covers my expenses.

@Darkryder: serious. i spent a movie and the three jackasses in front of me decided they needed to text and play with their iphones all movie. A bright shining fricken light, sorry three shining lights, right in my face. people are just inconsiderate as fuck.

@Aklost doesn't have to be piracy, and they don't have to wait till she distributes it. She just has to illegally copy. she's just dumb.

@Arty-Marty: Not remotely close to fair use. The nature of the work, a movie was never intended to be partially copied, by cell phone camera, in the same way say a copyrighted article would be quoted from. She has no right to record any part of any film shown in any theatre in the United States without permission.

they should arrest her for being dumb as shit. then arrest her again for wasting taxpayer money on that stupid lawsuit. Then Arrest her again for watching a twilight movie.

how do you pull a muscle doing that? It ain't like he has to run a marathon.

Don't Read The Sun.

@somethinghead: the U.S. dollar is the most counterfeited bill in the world and it's quite common. The money may look ugly but the old greenbacks lack of color made them much easier to falsify. I wouldn't say everyone with an injet is counterfeiting but it's a problem with organized crime and it's problem when

@Skreenname: i stopped using cash much at all because for every buck i spent i ended up with a pocket of change. Then it occured to me that all that change piled up and started putting it in jars. Only later to go to coinstar and let them take like 8% of every dollar just to count them. I figured i was probably losing

@Sporkotica: That's fricken totally offensive! You drink the drink. Just throw the glass.

@Andy Mesa: well i got a little secret. Contrary to popular opinion i actually don't like strip clubs. No that's wrong. What i mean is i don't go to strip clubs cause i'm not parting with my money that easily. i got nothing wrong with strip clubs.

@Fait Accompli: with out cash what do i throw at strippers?

sucker's born every minute.

it IS just a phone.