
Dude there are like 5 of these cars ever driving at the same time around the world... and not for many miles either, much fewer than Matt put on for his review.

Because this is America in 2019 and if you’ve ever done anything bad in your entire life, it wont be let go. Ever.

I had hope after the last few weeks’ coverage but it’s becoming apparent that Jalopnik is still in the unfortunate situation of having people who don’t know or care to know about F1 writing articles on it.

You are single-handedly responsible for 75 WRX’s crashing this weekend after fellow Jalop’s will attempt the flick.

Yeah, but how many miles did it have before they rolled the odometer back?

Not me. I want to die an old man who got to meet a couple great grandkids and survived all my track days.

I just checked. As of October 2014, Nissan had sold 9017 GT-Rs in the united states since 2008. They are currently selling ~100 GT-Rs per month in the US, for a total year sale of ~1300. I do believe that some of the distribution data is available, as I remember seeing some state totales. I think California alone had

And that’s what a car should be, I don’t care a lot of the gt-r because it saves your ass, not murders you and then hides your body in the woods


When you gave the car back, were you sobbing uncontrollably whilst incoherently muttering 'Murica?

auto correct loves to override things doesn't it!

Meh, it depends on the way they're modified.

Only dealers that can sell the speed can service them.

Serious question Mike...if you were to name the top 5 Porsches (road cars, not race cars) of all time, would this make the list?

"I think the the next R8 will end up looking something like the Audi e-tron concept from a few years back."

I like the F50, but I was always disappointed with it.