
You should quit Jalopnik and join Moto IQ

This is all typical Jalopnik Bullshit.

The mind of a Liberal.......tolerance for the intolerant 

Well said.......Mario is a bitter old man because his F1 career was cut short 

So basically Jalopnik is officially Democratic?? 

I feel that the ZL1 1LE will still beat this around Laguna Seca and Big Willow.....

Justin’s next post will be....Why do men grow beards, I don’t understand the appeal...

yes, remember it quite well. Everyone bitched that Subaru wasn’t making the big winged sedan anymore and that was the true WRX STI(I agree).

Sooooooo........its just like all Lotus cars?

I can stand the fact that Alanis King writes about Motorsports......she is truly insufferable and a miserable excuse for a writer.........Make Jalopnik great again, fire Alanis King!!

not surprised........aqesome machines but price WAYYYYYY to high. I have only ever seen a couple in my life

I used to be part of Cobaltss.net.......never met a bigger bunch of cock suckers in my life. Most of the CS’ers were from California........

Make Jalopnik great again......fire Alanis King!!

Hey Elizabeth Werth.......you want equal rights.......you got it bitch!!

Can Jalopnik not find a better Motorsports writer than Alanis King?........I’m mean, come the fuck on!!

You forgot to mention the colour of the garage owners skin, Alanis?

I wish Jalopnik would ditch the feminist left wing “see you next Tuesday” Alanis King. All that bitch is, is a piss poor journalist that pushes racism and her feminist agenda.

speedways are just too damn dangerous(at this moment) for open wheel cars. Stock cars are fine, more than safe but an open wheel car takes off like a rocket when there is contact at that speed.

can you imagine if white people started writing open letters to black people who did things they didn’t like............ohhhhh the racist card would be on FIRE!!!

My dick should be more intimidating....