
Tyson was the greatest boxer ever when he was in his prime. Watch his documentary and you will truly feel for him.

just like yesterdays post about the NSX, I think that the F40 gets way more attention then it should get. Well.......maybe its not that, its just that the other deserve the same amount of attention.

sorry if my post ruined your day.....

I love the NSX, its amazing looking and like the FD RX-7 its shape/ look are timeless and have held its age VERY WELL.

Are you not aware thst Senna admitted to purposely smashing into Prost Ferrari 641 at the 1990 Japamese Grand Prix years later?

......I do feel bad for Prost. He was an amazing driver who will always be portrayed as the villain. Just like he said in an interview about the movie “Senna". They never mentioned anything about te two making up and Ayrton missing Prost when he retired. Prost was even on of Sennas Pal Bearers at his funeral. Now

When I see the BRZ( especially its engine bay) it just scream LS3. Just like the Miata, thy engine just looks like it was meant to be there.

Harry seems like the most likeable guy ever.......I have a feeling that if I walked up to Harry or Jay Leno and asked if I could get a tour of their collection they would have no problem with it. They just honestly feel like those type of guys

Cobalt as turbo, I own one. People still look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them its a factory Turbocharged Cobalt

Where in Canada, only Ford plant I can think Of is Oakville

.....either that or he looks at you and thinks “ how the hell did he know that”

.......if I was the cop/paramedic on site, I would honestly have to tell this guy, “WELL, Marenello, will never let you own a Ferrari(especially a Super Ferrari) again.

I have a turbo SS and I love it. I remember driving a GXP tirbo and loving it too. When I heard they were putting the same power train in a cobalt I was floored. They are a lot cheaper now in the used market

I must be the only one that liked the Turbo Solistice/ Sky. Especially in the Targa top versions

Honestly, who dosen’t love a good engine swap.......

im all for manuals..........god bless them

You can put a V8 in a Corolla or anything for that matter.....just don't forget it's got a V8 in it lol.

I disagree with a lot that you say but not all.

Pontiac Fiero GT Fastback, because Fuck you I'm cool, im mid engine!

YES it is Sinister!!!!!