Ha, exactly. I’m sure there are a few more useful things Detroit could use $350m for than saving a crappy 70s skyscraper.
Ha, exactly. I’m sure there are a few more useful things Detroit could use $350m for than saving a crappy 70s skyscraper.
I doubt the existing building is up to current code or energy efficiency standards. I think its kinda cool looking so it would be nice to renovate, but fuck throwing that on a city that needs the money elsewhere.
So you want the government to take over the buildings and be responsible for the entire $1.6 billion cost of renovations? That’s a smart take. /s
I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed your comment.
What makes you think there will be profits? IF they ever end up in the black from it, a simple few executive bonuses can cut that down to nothing really quick.
Exactly. All of it.
Let them move out. Get rid of RenCen. It might be part of Detroit’s iconic skyline (if you can call the skyline iconic), but it’s also emblematic of everything wrong with Detroit (it’s a crappily designed building).
And what you fail to mention is that GM is a private business and makes it’s own money. Asking for a taxpayer handout so they can double-dip on charitable tax breaks later is ridiculous.
Boy, it’d be a shame if Detroit or the state just eminent domain-ed the whole thing and told GM to pound sand. A real shame.
Raze away. Why in the hell should taxpayers be held responsible for a multi-billion dollar corporation’s real estate boondoggle? Plus it’s just a 1970's skyscraper, who gives a fuck if it gets torn down, it’s not exactly a historically significant building. I’m sure another ugly sky penis will get put up in its place.
“We can’t spend our money... that’s what your money is for!”
Knock it the fuck down. Why? I'm sick of my Buick beeping at me 3 times if I even barely tap my key fob in my pocket. Fuck these losers. No more tax money for these suck pumps. No more. I'm a union guy to the bone. I'm in a union. I buy union. I bleed union. These assholes have shit on the union. Let them die. I'll…
These fuckers just don’t get it. Viva le revolution.
Knock it down, already. It was obscene that they completed it as GM sold out Flint, MI to production in Mexico. I want nothing to do with downtown Detroit and my tax dollars have already bailed GM once. No more. Get rid of that eyesore.
On the other hand, who doesn’t love seeing a skyscraper blow up?
The joint ownership of GM and Bedrock are seeking $250M from the state. Bedrock is the entity primarily responsible for the demolition and remodeling of the site, but GM is taking all of the bad press because their name is on top of the building.
I would agree, if only because most all other racing series have ended for the year.
My cousin, who knows absolutely ZERO about cars, has owned Subarus for the past 25 years because someone once told her ‘Subarus are good in the snow.’
I have to the watch the races on mute because of that electric motor whine. It just hits a harmonic that makes me nauseous after hearing it continuously for more than a few minutes.