Exhibit A for why kids need to be in school...
Exhibit A for why kids need to be in school...
I already do, so might as well make it useful.
“Whelp we told the cops not to do it, so surely they won’t!”
Illinois has a new digital ID law going into effect on January 1st. They’ve taken this into account, at least. The text of the law includes, “Provides that the display of a mobile identification card and driver’s license shall not serve as consent or authorization for a law enforcement officer, or any other person, to…
If you’ve got a problem with this, take it up with the Department of Redundancy Department.
I often wonder if there is a real correlation between the “aggro-ness” of someone’s online handle and their level of un-fitness for said aggression.
As a hard-left radical, I am giggling slash blinking confusedly.
“backbone company”... Right. If Harley disappeared nobody would notice, except maybe people who live close to roads would sleep better.
Harley Davidson employs around 6,500 people. By contrast, Duke University employs nearly 65,000. And that’s just at the main campus(es) in Durham. Duke Energy has another 27,000. And Duke isn’t even a particularly huge university.
It probably barely ran. It’s an old Evo ElectraGlide that someone had modified into a Road King clone. Why?
As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.
I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight knowing I was owned so much.
Not wanting to give a ++ to his counter, does it actually run? Like, could it be a daily driver? Or were they able to coax just enough for video coverage?
Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.
How’s he going to react when he finds out gunpowder was invented by the Chinese? Does that make his guns ‘woke’? Is he going to have to drown them? (I’d suggest blowing them up but I’m pretty sure the proto-hominids who discovered fire would not have been considered ‘white’.)
As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.
Musk is rich
Gosh, all these very very very very rich people and yet they need other people’s money to pay for stuff (see also: Trump, Donald, circa 2015: “I won’t need campaign donations...”).