Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Not a fan of sunroofs in general. In my experience with people that have had them, the drains get clogged and then water leaks into the interior. I have had them in cars, I never use them. The sunshade stays in place all the time. I don’t need a hole in the roof of my car.

Original TT always looked like a squashed Beetle.

I like mine so much that I just paid $10,000 to have the engine repaired. Either that, or have an expensive piece of lawn art ...

I have a 2010 A5, and I feel the same every time I walk up to it.

Very nice ...

Also after the short period when you could carry a small blade, I flew for the first time in a while. They confiscated my small Swiss Army Knife. I’ve always said I could do more damage with a pen or keys ...

When I flew a lot in 2004, I would be in one airport that didn’t make me take my shoes off, then, on my return flight that airport would. I always said, if it’s a valid procedure, then it should be done everywhere.

Except they don’t mark your boarding pass with a stripe from a marker when you exit the TSA section ...

Never saw that Corsica ad before. It would have been far better if that boy had seen an actual Radical.

Back in the 80s, I was sitting comfortably in my living room reading a Sports Illustrated article about caving. When they started talking about how it was so small they had to push their helmet through first, and could barely fit with the rocks sticking down scraping their belly, I got uncomfortable sitting there ...

In the opposite direction, every Macan has a turbo, but only the top of the line is called “Turbo”.

Not to be too pedantic (okay, I am), but it’s trailbraking ...

That should be part of the driving test. If you can’t figure out the sign within a couple of seconds or just ignore it, you can’t get a license.

Good call. SPAM (spiced ham) would be too spicy ...

Your edit helps, but it’s still not clearly written.

I think maybe you mean “Mercedes” ...

I love how the woman announcer says the “car slammed into a bus” ... did the director not even watch the video before entering the text into the prompter?

Well thank you, though you may be overstating it a bit. I’ve been trapped behind RVs on that stretch of road and there are very few opportunities to pass. And then, you usually get someone that goes 2.5 mph faster than the vehicle they are passing ...

California State Highway 1.

That’s worked for me so far ... closest I’ve been is 42,000 feet away when a private jet I was on went over. The pilot pointed out the roller coaster on the tower.