Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Big Michelin fan. With my E46 M3, the Michelins it came with (don’t remember the model) were fantastic. While unemployed, I went cheap with some Generals. Big mistake! Pulling onto a highway with a left turn from a signal, the Michelins just grabbed and pulled strong from the get-go. The Generals couldn’t even

“I’m honestly hoping Twitter dies.”


My first thought as well. Good to follow guidelines from someone that doesn’t know what they're talking about.

There’s always the 25 hours of Thunderhill ...

Be sure to check on coverage on a rental car. Before I rented a Mustang GT-H from Hertz, I checked, and my credit card would not cover it. Given the cost of it being “unavailable” due to damage, I got the coverage from Hertz. Worth it for the peace of mind.

Had a 2005 M3 ... last BMW I have had any interest in. And that’s before the latest generation of gape-mawed monstrosities.

My first thought as well. “We have to give a platform for these assholes because they declared they want to run a hopeless campaign for office.”

My company is insisting on three days a week starting this month. Some of the comments from the “leaders” makes it clear that they are struggling with leasing/owning all that real estate that’s not being used.

I got mine to celebrate my passing the CPA exam in 1984.

I have an HP12C that I got in 1986 for about $100. They still list for about $60. I pull it out when I want to do a quick calculation, especially involving present value or payment amounts. I do have a 12C clone on my phone, but you can’t beat the calculator.

I bet the “wet bandits” would have loved “wet brownies”!

So glad I kept my tire pressure up when I had a BMW. Apparently, it’s not as big a factor on Audis.

I’m so glad I had a digital gauge when I had my M3. Could have been disastrous!

A 1.5 psi difference in tire pressure.

What? You mean cops have “cop attitude”?

Yeah, the whole subscription issue makes me say “eff u” to the manufacturer. I still play music from an MP3 player or Plex. No streaming service for that.

At 64 with a car from 2010, I seriously doubt I’ll buy another car in my lifetime. Too much shit going on like this. Never mind the prices going up and up.

My third car was a ‘74 with the V6. Loved that car!

My two eldest grew up in California and we used the “cumulative vehicle IQ” score to impress upon them why they couldn’t drive with friends.