Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

We used to live off a two lane highway that started with a merge from another highway. My wife would always say, “Be the zipper people, be the zipper.” 

Coming from California (where I rarely, if ever, saw a “California stop” ... I see it a lot more in Ohio), I like the “Ohio Shuffle”. Someone tailgates you, and then when you change lanes to pass someone, they just shuffle up to tailgate that vehicle while you continue on.

Is the town named “Manson” or “Mason”? Hard to tell from this article. And where is “Stanton”, the city mentioned in the caption of the first photo?

If only ... that would have put way fewer drivers at risk ...

Since I was taught to not say anything if I can’t say something nice, I’ll just say he can go pound sand.

While I agree with this course of action, this is not always true. I had to replace the grill on my truck when a hawk took off right in front of me and smashed my grill. I also caught a small bird in the grill of another car. You really can’t do anything about it, so don’t drive wildly.

Ummm ... I think you need to fix something ...

Tanner was okay, but the other two were horrible.

Shouldn’t they be hanging somewhere else. That’s kind of like they were hanging from your ass ...

Never heard of it. Just reading about it on Wikipedia. The article mentions CVTs. I wonder if it was as bad as a CVT. I have a rental with one now, and I would hate having it all the time. Miss my 6 speed Audi!

Never driven one, but I’ve always been amazed by the GM 2 speed transmission. Huh?

Grew up in California, so never that cold, but starting a car with a carb was a form of anti-theft. You had to know the exact sequence and number of times to press the pedal before it would start. Once you found that magic sequence, it started so easy!

Never had to deal with multiple carbs, but I did rebuild the old two barrel on my 1966 Pontiac multiple times. Always had trouble getting it to run right after. Fortunately, a friend’s dad was a mechanic, and after a few minutes of magic, it ran great!

That’s the David Tracy we all know and love. Almost sounds as if you got a bit ... wait for it ... rusty ...

Actually, it was more a comment on your miscalculation.

I got the striped red, white, & blue seat! Then I made it faster by putting a bigger chain ring on it!

So ... 6, but you’re claiming one as your brother’s. Isn’t that only 16.7%?

That is correct. I used to work in the propane biz and one company actually made money from recycling the old tanks. When they would ge them in, they would inspect, clean repaint (if needed), and then refil. If no longer usable, remove the brass valve, smash it in a press, sell to recycler.

If I have an old tank, I just take it to one of the exchange locations. They don’t inspect the old tanks, and I have a newer one that will work for more years.

West of Milford, which itself is west of East Milford ...