Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Why, with 35 years of experience, is Zach Winfield participating in this program for recent graduates?

When I was in high school, an underage cheerleader’s parents gave her a brand new Corvette, and, from what I heard, paid for her boyfriend’s insurance to drive it.

Years ago, when Reno, NV had a flood, Harrah’s in downtown Reno had to close. Problem was, the building was designed for 24 hour operation all the time and they had to locks on the doors. I don’t know how they solved it, but they had to post security at each entrance until the solution was implemented.

Thank you again.

If you are the driver switching lanes, it is your responsibility to merge safely. Why would it be the responsibility for someone already in the lane? That being said, if there is a lot of traffic, then it becomes important for those in the lane to take their part in the zipper. As my wife would say at one merge we

Pretty much the rest of the world. From Merriam-Webster:

My dad had one of these. What a POS. No way. ND

But when you’ve grown up, even as an adult, hearing and believing that you too can have a CAREER!, it hurts when you realize that you don’t and won’t. After I got over that “loss”, I’m much happier and now I’m in a stable job in a stable industry that I hope to ride until retirement. I no longer care about “climbing

I get you on the lack of a “career”. My brother and I came to the conclusion that we have had a “sequential series of jobs”, and no “career”.

You forgot one of the cars specifically mentioned in Ronin!

Not ... “using the acronym for the truck’s name, the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle”.

Thanks Kinja.

This was tough. 1958 ... I knew it wouldn’t be an American car, but I didn’t know offhand of an import that I would want.

But, but, but, state’s wrights! Yur takin’ away my freedumbs!

I was just referring to the massive amount of “payload” is actually rocket fuel and how that relates to the problem of having enough batteries on a truck to give it the range. Eventually you’ll be reducing payload due to the weight.

You can get one, just don’t let her see this post first!

And, a rocket scientist knows how much extra fuel (stored energy) you need to carry all that extra fuel (stored energy).

Not technically. But our three kids moved here, and they’re all settled in with grandkids, so we’re staying here. I really miss California, especially the last place we lived near Monterey. Can’t replace the coast, and there’s nothing like that around here.

Because your three kids move with you, they then fall in love, get married and you now have 6 wonderful grandchildren. It’s been tough.

I’m from California but now live in Ohio and do not approve of Ohio.