Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Better color interior too!

Yes! My wife and I started doing this years ago, and it is amazing. I’m hot, so even in winter, I often sleep with just a top sheet. My wife likes a comforter, a blanket, and maybe even another blanket. I would get too hot and sleep hanging out of the bed. She suggested two top sheets, and we’ve loved it since. We now

If my memory serves, it was an entirely new car. It didn’t share a lot of design with the Civic (but, my memory is as old as the rest of me ...).

I am of the vintage that I remember when this car came out. I was shocked at how big a “Honda” was ... now, I look at Civics that are bigger than this, and wonder why everything has to get bigger.

Can you be “too” pedantic?

That’s what I thought too.

Oh, the intellectual reply? Very good. I’m impressed (not).

And this is based on your vast knowledge of ........?

Those “scientists” sure have it wrong ...

Same here. After selling our HOA house, we now live on 5+ acres at the end of a road with no neighbors within 1/4 mile. So nice ...

Really? Just the tip?

As someone who has a Ford with a 7.3L turbo-diesel, I had to laugh when the host of a hotel in Scotland looked at our rental Focus and said, “1.8 liters. That’s a monster motor for a small car!”

Great music at the end!

It’s all just part of the circle of life.

Do you stop when you see a “Stop Ahead” sign? No? Then why would you merge when you see a “Merge Ahead” sign?


You mean it only “whetted” our appetites?

I’ve heard of Jello-piknik, but what is Jalopink?

Damn you and your Lucas wiring harness! Now I’ve wasted even more time looking up the “Burmese striated grackle”!

I clearly saw that picture when I first read this article, but after your comment, I had to go back and look ...