Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

As we approach replacement, my wife is basically not considering anything else. It has been a great car. A little bit wider (we’re not small people), and enough room for the occasional grandchild toting.

Admission: My wife drives one ...

Oooh ... edgy ...

Oh, I know what it means, I’m just tired of hearing it ... just another worthless catch phrase ...

“It is what it is” also worked to get my staff through a restructuring that included a bankruptcy. I used it to keep people from making more of what was going on that actually was happening ...

I am so tired of the phrase “best practices” ... largely because nothing ever changes ...

I think breathing all the Jeep fumes has gotten to him. That was a basic requirement, and he missed it completely.

How about you enjoy watching the races? Don’t understand why you would stop watching a sport you enjoy just because the championship has been decided. There’s still plenty of action, on the field or on the track, that a true fan can enjoy.

If they earned the most points, then they win. Playoffs are not “always a good thing”

Holy crap! If it takes an article this long to try to explain how the championship works, it’s not worth watching. Talk about not deciding it on the track.

I don’t get the American fascination with “playoffs”. Have your games or races, award points for finishing in certain places for each event, most points at the end

And this year, all of the cars have the driver’s 3 letter abbreviation on them, usually on the fin. That helps too, since they haven’t been promoting numbers over the years, and I haven’t memorized who has which color of roll hoop camera.

Depends on if you are thinking of American English, British English, the Latin root (incorrect), or the Greek root ...

How this was not an infraction and disqualification, I will never understand.

Agreed. They always look like they have a load in their Depends. One of the ugliest cars on the road. At least an Aztek is original.

There was no “best part”. This was ridiculous and unnecessary. So glad they got rid of the silly cowboy hats on the podium, but this was worse.


Technically, the track limits are the white lines inside of the curbs. They don’t get worked up about a couple of wheels outside of those line, but Verstappen had all four inside of not just the white line track limits, but also the curbs.

Thanks. I was trying to picture an “ass-bridge”.

Years ago, I was driving to work in the morning when the traffic on the freeway came to a complete stop. I had time to look in my mirror and catch the reaction of the driver of the van behind me when he realized I was stopped and he wasn’t going to.

Was going to say this ... thanks!