Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Don't forget, sports cars often have illuminated numbers to really make them hard to read ... ;-)

"It was a grey sort of day when I visited, with a light rain drooling down like God fell asleep with His retainer in His mouth."

Had to have weight for traction ...

Good to know. I actually have a pair of the aviation snips now. Couldn't get all three, so I just got the straight ones ...

I see what you did there ...

I always called them tin snips ... and there was only one type, big and straight!

No, but you do need winter sandals in the winter ... and don't try to get by with all-season sandals ...

While this is a nice example, it is still a 30 year old car that is not all that special.

But you can get CarMax Care for a Weimaraner ...

I think the Transit RS will need some Samurai bars ...

Given all of the cameras around London, I'm waiting for the video!

"She said, `I'm Anna, we're the Armstrongs, my husband's Lance, he was just driving maybe too fast around the corner or something.'"

His net worth is estimated at $125 million ...

Minor rust above windshield? That's almost a second sunroof!

Why should be at least somewhat productive?


Sure. Works for me.

A woman I work with has a shirt that says,

Does that mean you're not paid as much? Or that you're not of the intelligence level that would buy a foreign car and import it (trying hard not to say "dumb")?

You misspelled "whiner" ...