Remember dialing "popcorn" for the time?

Not a spill, but years ago I passed a broken down armored truck on the side of the freeway. There was another truck backed up to it to which they were transferring the money. About 10 yards ahead of the trucks was a guard with a shotgun watching traffic pass ... silently saying, "Go ahead, stop and make my day!"

I'm more impressed he was able to incorporate "Camry" in an article about F1!

I think you meant to say, "I can haz one?"

I'm partial to this:

Drove one for a week as a rental. Definitely at the bottom of the list of cars I've driven. right there with the PT Cruiser on a different week.

When giving her friend a ride in my E46 M3, my wife said that her friend's comment was, "This doesn't ride very well for a luxury car!" My wife, who gets it, just said it's supposed to ride like that.

+1 for the CarMax lookup!

Does your support truck carry the Grey Poupon?

No. Just use the electric turbocharger ...

To me, the most important thing is cleaning after each job. I wipe each wrench, socket, screwdriver before putting away, clean up old parts, clean up the bench. Cleaning as you go is always easier than doing it all at once. It's also a great way to be sure I get all my tools put back and ensure that nothing is missing.

When I bought my E46 M3, BMW replaced all fluids after 1,200 miles. This only applied to "M" vehicles, but it removed all of the initial metal wear. If I bought another new car, I'd probably do the same.

My son worked at a Ford dealer. On the V10 equipped Econolines, there is at least one plug that you can't replace. He said he would have needed two more elbows to reach that last plug. Ridiculous engineering.

Completely agree. I can't stand the "morning zoo" type of shows. NPR, SiriusXM, and the car's hard drive work for me.

Virtually never listen to regular FM/AM radio, except for NPR for news/traffic. SiriusXM and my current car has a hard drive, so I've loaded a bunch of my music on it. Don't have a huge data plan, so no streaming for me. That technology doesn't thrill me.

According to the article, the remaining 90% of stock will go to current FCAU stockholders.

No. 90% of the shares of the independent will go to the stockholders of FCAU.

Star for the "Full Disclosure"!

Don't forget the penicillin potential!

My thoughts exactly!

Serious inquiries only!