
Yeah, it's nice to see that his smile muscles are still working!

Let's talk shop for second.

I can't speak to that - it's not my style at all. I am much comfortable around women than men, generally. I'm just expressing my personal distaste for what I hope is just a passing fashion, along with tats and piercing (I hear scarification is the coming thing). I've never liked make-up, either (on women, I mean). :D

I think this is idea is the foundation for groups like "half of us", implying that about half of the population suffers from some form of mental disorder. I totally get what you're saying though - I'm in grad school for neuropsychology right now, and as that is primarily a clinical discipline, we are always hearing

A lot of transuranic uranium fission byproducts have half-lives of over 100,000 years. Germanium-76 has a half-life (1.78x10^21 years) longer than the current age of universe. Pressurized water reactors contain several tons of fuel and are refuelled every 8-12 months. Non-fissile decay often renders non-radioactive

We don't even need to dispose of or sequester the waste. New reactor technologies like MSR and GE/Hitachi PRISM can run on the waste from older reactors (which is still typically more than 90% fissile fuel). Once it has run through these new ones, the waste coming out of them has half-lives of 400 years or less,

The UK also had a failed MOX program. GE & Hitachi have developed a fast-neutron type non-breeder reactor that can consume plutonium as-is and has a fantastic usage ratio - more than 99% of fissile material (it'll run on Thorium, Uranium, or any transuranic like plutonium) that goes in gets consumed, versus 5% in

They usually don't even know their own Bible either.

Where did I belittle him? Justin Bieber is the Biebs no matter how dickish he gets. He has done many dickish things outside of racist jokes. I'm sure it gives him extra Biebspower.

"Harry Potter and the Concrete Doorstep," by Ayn Rand:

Rebrand it as the "Obamapenalty" and you'll have it defunded and illegal inside a year.

Assuming you're somewhere with safe footing, it all depends on the volume of the flow. When I visited Kilauea, the flows were small and I could still not get closer than 5 or 10 feet. I'm sure when there's been an eruption and the flow volume is higher, you'd have to stay even further back.

I went to an active volcano in Guatemala a few years back and we were able to get about 5 feet away without the heat becoming to unbearable. Ridiculously hot.

Looks like your question has been mostly answered, but there's also a free lava viewing area in a national park. However, you can't always see lava from it — that depends on how the volcano happens to be flowing — so you want to check the status report in advance.

Then she should fund the Spitzer Space Telescope.

Geeks? On a science and science fiction blog? GOOD JOB, WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE

Its just said the skull being 97% complete, not the full skeleton.

Military service? I'd certainly not vote for any one who volunteered for military service. Being willing to be obliged to shoot people for reasons you might turn out to disagree with and being ready to die in the meanwhile do not speak of a strong moral character or any sort of wisdom.

io9 commenters: Anyone want to put together an Ocean's 11 style team of sympathetic criminals* so we can steal that poor creature? IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM. (A real museum)