
Just did a trip to/from Palm Springs in my BOLT. Lessons learned - the DC fast charger is great but the Bolt’s range gets absolutely hammered once you are driving over 75 mph. We started our trip back with 160 miles on the battery (110 from Palm Springs to home) and had to stop halfway because the battery had drained

Fun story - back when I was playing football we had an amazing O-Line. Two of the linemen went pro (I was not one of them). Our QB one day decided to yell at the 330lb future pro and call him a lazy fat fuck because the QB had fucked up his hand-off (QB took 3 steps instead of 2) and he was sacked by the other team’s

Compensation 2018. Stop pitting the temps vs union vs people who are actually building the cars. Maybe Mary can cut an extra million from her paycheck.

I was told the Patriots used lots of milk bones as rewards as well.

Limp Bizkit and Korn are my 1-2 for 90s. 

It happens a lot due to me due to status - I have to specifically request to not be put on upgrade lists when booking with family since I have “elite” status and they put me on a separate reservation from my kids

I just disrupted my pants a little

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 KM run is all you need. Every day.

Cursing is fine but bad TV dubs are amazing. Yippee Ki Ya Monkey Man and Yippee Ki Ya Mr Falcon are the two best dubs I have ever heard.

The Chevy Bolt would like a word

My filming story - I used to work in the CAA building when they filmed Entourage there. I was a a junior employee that had to go get coffee for people on the first floor. So I get about 12 cups in carriers and head back to the elevator. It comes and as I am about to go in, this woman blocks me (causing coffee to spill

I got hit by a Los Angeles PD in Venice one morning (~5:45am) about 10 years ago. The officer was texting and pulling out of an alley. It was minor (I managed to unclip and only pseudo fell) so I just gave him a “what the fuck?!” look and continued on my ride. Note - I had reflective gear + forward/rear bike lights

Not commenting on the good/bad of this particular merger, just highlighting that any “cost-savings” are always overvalued and firms do a terrible job of realizing them. 

Name one merger where synergy savings were not written off/down 5 years later. For the I-Bankers, “synergies” is the catch-all used to inflate offers and their fees.

I was a very fat kid and a late bloomer. When I reached high school I grew 8 inches, somehow made it onto the football team and began to workout. Every single person that last saw me in 8th grade still says to me to this day (I’m old now) “Wow, you really lost that baby fat”

They need America, Fuck Yeah! instead.

I have 4 kids. I brought them to the dealer last time we bought a car. I watch them for the first 30 minutes then I let them go free. The “manager” and “finance” guys tend to work quicker that way. 

(Bloomberg) —

I once ate an entire bag of shelled pistachio meat from Costco. I did not poop for 3 days and when I did, the industrial bathroom at work had to be closed down. I am about 80% sure I know what child-birth feels like now.

My wife wanted to make a birthing CD to play during the delivery. I being the faithful husband burned one of my own choosing. After reviewing my playlist, our little bundle of joy was born without music.