
Px/Chg 1D (USD) 33.14/-1.92%

VW Passat - built in Germany, the electrical gremlins destroyed it. Lesson learned.

When is Solo hitting Netflix? Is it still hitting it??

Josh got excited by the egg picture

Craziest party - this was back in 2002 College days and I went to a house party in Middle Jersey on an equestrian estate with my then girlfriend. Growing up as a massive insecure introvert, I had never been to a giant house party. My ex and her friends were all boarding school kids that had soo much money. The house

Drew, you really lost your focus in the fourth quarter of this article. The lack of Tomsula means I will have to work more today.

This is why I said both things - athletes self-reporting + heart scans. 

Hopefully this is an example that will encourage other kids who feel something “off” during a practice to speak up.

This is reason number 1 Gawker should never have let Josh Laurito leave. He would have succeeded where Barry failed.

I am now in year 5 of EV driving. The range anxiety is real when you have an 83 mile range car and need to charge it every other day. You forgot to charge during the day? Oh well, get ready to sit at work for an extra hour when you plug in at the end of the day since all of the available chargers were full when you

The episode with Mel Brooks was amazing, a lot of the other episodes are hit/miss. 

RUN FROM THE PASSAT. These cars just consume money. 135k miles is more than enough from VW. So glad my Passat is gone.

So you are saying he is a 4chan poster?

Test drove the Tesla X, currently driving a Chevy Bolt. The Bolt is much quieter at 70mph than the X. The Bolt was even quieter than the Benz I was DD. The seat quality in the Bolt is terrible though, fine for a daily drive of 18 miles each way but way too uncomfortable for long drive.

Lived in Jersey for 30 years, now in California. Oh you want to go to the beach in NJ? Did you bring your parking pass? Your beach pass? (you need a fucking beach pass to visit the Shore). “Oh but Ship Bottom is great” sure it is if you got tired of the Belmar guidos and would rather listen to middle-aged,

I played football, rowed and was on a rugby team for two years. Rowing does not cause you to fart, you usually have PRAS. But I have known two people that have pooped themselves during a race, one of which is a semi-famous designer now.

Drove one in the mid 90s as well in Jersey where gas was 69-89 cents a gallon. I distinctly remember how much the attendants (because Jersey) hated me for asking for $3 of gas with a bunch of change. The car was a tank though, got rear ended by a Civic that lost its brakes and the only damage was to the chrome bumper

your name is Kevin I bet

This applies to stocks only. You want to research active Bond managers still.

Does this mean we have to work for Josh? I have stories about that guy. Binders full of stories.