
HPV infection rates are rising sharply, and the lag to OPC can be 10-15 years.

The medical risks and infection vectors for men have been known for years - yet vaccination outreach has focused almost solely on young women.

Oscar Pistorius was considered plenty hot a year ago.

All true.

It's an absurd premise for the vast majority of employer and positions, no doubt abt it.

It's especially sad because all these great technologies are invented by women, then co-opted by the patriarchy to either sell things, oppress people, or both.

Do the film ratings on IMDb act as a reasonably proxy for quality/watchability, in general?

Oh for God's sake, what percentage of "able-bodied, thin" people qualify as distinctly attractive? Something under 10%, if the term has even marginal significance...

Cunnilingus is a well-known, major vector for HPV-16 transmission (leading to HPC+ OPC) - I'm not sure exactly what semantic distinction you're trying to make here... but I am fairly sure it's trivial and or/irrelevant.

Bruni has somewhat more direct experience with "militants" than most of us - her family were targeted w/death threats by the Red Brigades, and fled Italy when she was a child.

It's almost like polling could never work, eh?

I think the stigma has almost lessened over the years, however.

Mine is actually medieval icons. And working with over-privileged young women.

One might also point out it seems "ignorant" to implicitly content that:

The only reason people drive cars is because of commercials?

Hmm... if you take out "fat people" and put in "IV drug users" or some other behavioral choice that leads to crappy health outcomes over time, we'd probably all agree that lots of docs can be fairly short on bedside manner in those cases as well.

Congrats on inventing a plausible-sounding surname that has never appeared online, not even once.

The only thing that's changed is weight: younger women are 30 lbs heavier now than in 1960. (Younger men's weights are up by 20 lbs or so, fwiw.)

2.4 millions viewers? That's pathetic... or about 2.5-4 times more than "Girls" got in its season finale, depending on how you calculate it.

Here ya go: