
Guys write derogatory emails to their buddies (privately) about women they bang or want to bang or don't think are attractive enough to bang. Women giggle with each other about guys they fuck who have small penises. This is what men and women do. Remember the Duke Fuck List, anyone?

I would argue that we do, actually, shame people who get burglarized if they didn't take proper precautions. They don't usually think they are lying about it since, you know, their stuff is gone. Or complicit in it because, again, their stuff is gone.

It's a pretty wretched analogy.

Nah, I just also grasp that it's hilariously dumb and doesn't work at all.

And there's nothing you can do to prevent a robbery, or being abducted by a random militia, but there sure as hell are avoidable risk factors.

Yeah, the girls who drink and flirt get raped, but so do the girls at home in their jogging pants who thought their study buddy was a decent person.

Oh I know, and I'm not saying this warning label is going to work, but I see a lot of people talking about "giving advice" not being the same as victim blaming. So that's what this is for.

"How many times are we going to have to argue that victims of sexual assault do not invite their own rapes by consuming alcoholic beverages?"

He didnt say that. He didnt even imply that. He said.

"Female-specific risks are already well known and include violence, unwanted sex and pregnancy"

Where does he say that the

A primer for the confused:

Violence and "unwanted sex" (aka, "rape) are not female-specific...

Kind of a straw man to equate a statement of risk with a statement attributing morality or consent. Maybe you guys should go after the State Department's obviously victim-blaming practice of issuing travel warnings.

WAIT ... how is "unwanted sex" (as a thing separate from rape) specific to women? AFAIK "Beer Goggles" affect both genders equally.

"What a horrible man"

You mean "what a horrible readership who demand such stories" surely.

I think he's just writing for his target audience - mostly older, overweight, frumpy housewives, who feel better about themselves seeing those celebrity beauties taken down a notch.

How old is your husband? 6?

To be fair, has he ever said that he personally was great looking?

have any of these protestors ever met a goose? geese are assholes.

I HATE this comic and all the relativistic bullshit it represents.

The evolution of that phrase is pretty interesting. It started as "cool story, bro" which of course needed a feminine version. The feminine version obviously needed to replace "bro", a fairly innocuous word, with something more sexualized to reinforce women's subordinate status. "Cool story, babe" came to be.

I don't have the timings of mall security rounds down pat yet.