"...go to an art gallery."
"...go to an art gallery."
Pauline Kael was — and remains — a titan in the field, which is one of multiple reasons why using head counts as a proxy for critical influence is absurd.
Just to be clear: your contention is that prostitution-related fantasies are essentially unknown in the clinical/peer-reviewed literature on women's sexuality? And that this guy is projecting his own, singularly male/weird opinion while attempting to pass it off as not unknown among women?
I wouldn't presume to explain what goes on in anyone else's fantasy life — but assuming you're right about the structure of rape fantasies, that seems to argue for a relatively higher incidence of prostitution-related fantasy, not lower (superior locus of control, etc).
"centuries of men and women feeling just fine with being au naturale..."
Sooooo disappointing, rage-bot. "Imagine a world..."? You sound like an emo sophomore trying to Lennon-ize his dream journal.
Hmmm... the abject neediness is a bit much... but overall, a very evocative and life-like set of responses.
So the first AI app able to pass a Turing Test turns out to be a rage-bot with a suicide fetish. Nifty.
How 'bout I lend you a quarter so you can call your case-worker instead?
Good point. Look for a renegade faction of the commentariat to rush forward and defend an oppressed gay CEO and his under-appreciated life partner, both unfairly under attack by Wall Street.
It's a matter of definitions, to be sure. I can't tell which of two standards you seem to proposing for "relevancy": pop-culture currency/visibility; or past accomplishments.
Why is it intrinsically "boneheaded" to suggest prostitution fantasies may be widespread?
I predict that criticizing people for dull thoughts and low cognitive skills will soon become taboo among hyper-progressives.
Ah, ok - I read it as there was a box on the table and everyone competed to produce minimum squiggles or something.
The machine doesn't produce a decision; it produces data that are interpreted by a specialist.
You can't be truly disgusted by Canseco 'til you've read Pat Jordan's famous profile of him:
They can be a little tiresome at times, but good-looking, assertively Republican gals are almost invariably great in bed...
Instant HOF. Best (worst?) one so far!
Gosh... another interesting form of privilege is threatening to "smack the shit" out of a singer who criticizes your song, telling her to "suck the skin off [my] dick", getting re-tweeted a million times... and then getting an apology from her!
I'm impressed the servers are keeping up with the "People We Shouldn't Have Slept With" thread.... 1,100 replies and rising?! Some solid-gold stuff in there.