
Haha... can't decide if that's more disturbing or hilarious. It's a lot of both!

Awful yes... but what a gorgeous sentence it made possible!

i've read like 150 of these now, and i think you're winning so far... more, more please!

Charming stuff in the Katy Perry/Chief Keef spat there. And so many retweets of Keef's swill from other rappers too...

Frances seems like a fussy, somewhat self-important scold... so pretty much an ideal potential intern for Lindy!

I was happy before. Now I'm ecstatic. And such a compelling view of male privilege, too!

Here's an idea: Let's go down to the nearest poor/non-white neighborhood and start asking random passers-by if they'd like to be an old white guy instead?

I don't often disagree w/your stuff, but this seems like a miscue here.

Or Gracie Allen or Mae West or tons of other alternatives. Agreed

The latter is preferable; the former sure seems a lot more prevalent.

Interesting metric. The most "relevant" person in America today appears to be Amanda Bynes.

Yup. There's a shitload of difference between cognitive skill and wisdom. And there's a substantial correlation between first-generation wealth and intelligence.

No correlation with being wise, maybe.

Dude says that nursing is more rewarding than trading.

1. Good catch. 'Bout a half-dozen times. Mr Punch rocks.

Odd - it fits Doug like it was custom-tailored!

"Uninformed" is not knowing who the vice-president is, or the capitol of Canada.

Yeah, I knew it was a Doug article... but Doug vs anything is likely an unfair fight. (I like the C02 concept tho - his title should be "Plant Liaison")

If this is sarcasm, it's genius. If it's serious... well, there's probably no antidote or help available anyway. Just find a cool quiet place and wait for the brain pathogens to finish their work.

You've never met anyone whose made a fortune in a tough industry and counseled his kids to stay far, far away from it?