Classic HamNo. Can't get out three words ("Hey, excuse me") and instead slinks home to plink out a 1,000-word rationale of his failure for Gawker.
Classic HamNo. Can't get out three words ("Hey, excuse me") and instead slinks home to plink out a 1,000-word rationale of his failure for Gawker.
Think of exuberant stupidity as an under-appreciated popular art form.
Is FF6 the one where the trailer features a tank coming out of the nose of a crashing cargo plane? I can't wait!!
It's not perfect, but if you ask a suspected male hipster if he's ever been in a bar fight, one of two things will happen: he'll say "No, not really"; or... he'll blink incredulously at the very idea, then stare down at his skinny jeans and change the subject to a new band from Mississippi.
Re: Burning Man:
Six for six! (Including denial of hipster status). He's the real deal.
"Cultural appropriation is so not twee. I call it out when I see it."
I thought that had to be a joke at first. I still can't believe it formed part of a real-world survey question...
Haha... good answer. I believe it!
Thanks much! That helps too. I do have a couple of other nieces who seem pretty intellectually confident and extroverted in a way that might make for a teenage handful down the road... and that dynamic I get (at least a bit).
Heigl is a pretty weak example.
Careful - the ticket-buying public skews pretty heavily young and minority relative to the overall populace.
Please tell me you turned out awesome.
The returns to being a dick are 3.5x greater than to being a bitch?
Sounds like a tragically imbalanced diet.
"...incredibly healthy fear of men"??
In a macro sense, almost every consumer-facing company probably benefits from people having a somewhat over-inflated view of their intelligence and general acumen.
Could you clarify what's uniquely vulnerable about this case? Is it because it's a divorce case? Because the client was female?
Better now than when the guy stands up... that white ottoman is gonna need some attention.
You could start lifting, no? Sort out the sunken chest and the belly at the same time, then enjoy extra cookies/beer...