
You do realize he was chosen as an official portraitist by Queen Elizabeth, yes? Is that canvas a grotesque?

Gotcha. Clever way to look at it.

He's a canonical artist - good claim to being the greatest portraitist of the 20th century.

The text is weak too. Consider "It's impossible to imagine a powerful woman getting a pass on... overweightness" or [it's impossible] ".. to imagine modern, celebratory images of women with protruding bellies."

That was my point. If it's a power-structure story, write it that way... and don't opt for a headline reading "It's OK to be Kinda Fat... If You're a Dude."

"Can you imagine modern, celebratory images of women with protruding bellies and expanded thighs...."

In other words, the paunch was so helpful to his chances that he's opted to get it surgically eliminated?

Way to conflate "all men" with the tiniest sliver of the power structure...

Classic Doug. Not just a mixed metaphor but one that explicitly makes no sense.

Neither am I, alas. It just seemed like an accessible, cheerful allusion.

Lots of folks trying to make a difference — many of whom we may not agree with.

He's not a troll; he's a house elf.

And celebrating "Pi Day" too! Could they be any more obvious in their DWEM-worship? Gross.

It's probably extreme - but if you look at foundation reports on programs servicing the Third World prostitutes, for example, it's not hard to see references to 10 clients/night.

Haha... okay. I'm not sure where you're going w/that comment, but by all means let's play it out...

"...my daughter has been outed as a casual racist and might not get into Williams.."

Teenagers, North and South alike, have liked to do shit to get a rise out of grownups since forever.

Patting himself on the back for banging a friend's wife AND for being such a wordsmith, it would appear.

This is my favorite Jez comment of the month:

The workload of the average street/truckstop/low-end whore is a little more intense than a "100 guys a year" — might be more like that many a week.