
There's some true commentariat hardcore right there: the vagina is "hated on" by the undiscerning masses.

Is it still OK to make fun of Farrah Abraham for being extremely stupid and disingenuous — or is she just a victim of lousy cognitive genetics and a poor upbringing?

Bam! Outstanding.

She was sporty enough to exempt every single black comedian from her indictment, apparently.

Amazing post. I can almost see you cringing and cowering as you type.

Ummm, by that logic wouldn't it make more sense to bitch about offensive comedians in comedy clubs.... in comedy clubs?

thanks for the clarification!

...and maybe they don't care about Yale either.

i fought on the other side of the Cold War, so i took the "truth" and "news" with a degree of skepticism.

Yeah, I get the limitations of the study — intentional and otherwise. Where it goes wrong for me is the implication, "If women [or some other subgroup] are under-represented on the cover, it implies some meaningful harms in terms of athlete participation, self-image etc etc"

I took the original "crush capitalism" comment at close to face value, given the OP's tendency to use gifs to reinforce fairly standard commentariat viewpoints.

I rely on the more doctrinaire commentators to flag their humor attempts with a "joke statement" asterisk.

The smart money favors pole vaulting, tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, surfing, snowboarding and a few other sports.

Yeah, "Ivestia" and "Pravda" used to have great coverage of East German and Russian female athletes.

Covers are a fairly stupid proxy for content within.

Ah, point taken. The original line was constructed so clunkily I'm not surprised it sparked a misunderstanding. ("Kate Moss, Gisele and whichever white..." reads easier, and is funny to boot.)

Serena, Beyonce, Michelle Obama, and Rihanna might beg to differ.

Bang on.

Swimsuit models crossing over to fashion are a rarity - but they matter.

It matters because proportion-based arguments are such a popular means of identifying inequality.