Beekeeping for women is cool. Women-only butchery (of organic beef and pigs) is the next wave.
Beekeeping for women is cool. Women-only butchery (of organic beef and pigs) is the next wave.
Oof! That's may be as close as I will ever come to feeling sympathy for Kim K.
The figure for Kimmy seemed a little high to me too.
We're talking about a woman who - if popular market research can be believed — is considered roughly 3x less likable than the Confederacy.
Solid gold. Well put!
"It would be inappropriate to make a personal choice on your behalf..."
I hope your attitude catches on around here.
Pretty ballsy journalism for a mainstream sports mag in 1982.
Don't disagree entirely - just noting that extrapolating from a single sicko to larger social/policy implications is a tricky process.
Don't forget that the lawyer who didn't show up to court was probably a man too. Seems like a patriarchal conspiracy in the making.
And the white paint on the house! And the grass in the yard! Christ, even a lawn chair...
Outstandingly good. Always good to see Lindy be pure-funny rather than hectoring-yet-funny.
"Mindblown" is a good possibility... but it's certainly not the only one — especially since at least some other members of the Castro family seem to have been complicit/aware.
Because looks do matter somewhat in sex trafficking?
Obviously NOT the rafting trip where food was in short supply.
I'd have gone with "beefy" or "stout" for sure.
Teddy Roosevelt doesn't belong on that list. He's got a decent claim to being one of the fittest presidents ever in fact.
He's got that special glazed look that says, "My career is done, my marriage might be toast... and a woman just kicked my ass."
...and? Where's #3? I wanna see what tops "who could murder the most..."
If the thin/fat divide is substantially due to genetics, as you suggest, genetics sure are changing rapidly, aren't they?