Seemed to me to clearly describe a "wake-up call," as you put it.
Seemed to me to clearly describe a "wake-up call," as you put it.
""I cried," said Smith who weighed 256 pounds then. "I wasn't mad because I know Mika so well, but all I could think was 'No one had ever said this to me before.'"
There is simply no way this can be accurate... it would imply a far narrower distribution of weights in the slim portion of the population than actually occurs.
"Ham-fisted" woulda stung bad.
Believe me, I tried writing the comment first using a "temporarily injured oil-company CEO who snapped an ankle at Davos while being simultaneously unaware of his privilege and an icy patch on the ground..."
I'd be curious what percentage of campus sexual-assault cases involve substantial drinking — if it's less than 80 percent, I'd be shocked.
What an odd example. It relies on an unfounded and pointless assertion (i.e., women are intrinsically unable to do math smoothly)... unless you're intended to suggest that women are math-impaired but it's tactless to say so?
You're kidding. There's no value judgement placed on the kid chasing butterflies... just the implication that it's kinda poignant, difficult to watch and likely doomed to failure.
The "if one person thinks it's offensive, then it is" rule is meaningless on its face.
The owner's response is actually a model of civilized discourse compared to the ill-considered screeching that comes out of Crossfit HQ — including from their own legal counsel, their founder, and two pointless nitwits both named Russell.
100%. Any potential client who leads with "Am I being made to feel crazy?" needs to be gently urged down the road toward... anywhere else.
Let's see. We've got a "women's only" class, set up by a woman and named by a woman... and getting a good-sized group of women stronger for two years. All good so far.
Never thought I'd read something where I'd wind up agreeing w/a Crossfit box owner over a random civilian - but here it is.
"Rubber cement-eaters"? Really, Doug? You mean "rubber-cement eaters", surely?
Hmm... maybe we can all agree you just crafted the Hindenberg of analogies?
Actually did find the article mostly pointless - but had to star the comment all the same... just for the deft joke construction.
Hmm... perhaps not the ideal counter-example. See, for example:
The etymology is essentially identical - hence the word "rapine" for acts of plunder. Both concepts share a common Latin root, fwiw.
Is "we got killed" or "they murdered us" also problematic? How about "a cancerous influence"?