
My favourite Jack Dee joke is - ‘ I absolutely hate those stupid, moronic people who take drugs. What do you call them? Oh yes, Customs officers....’

Tony Maylam was actually replaced / let go / fired by the producers and Ian Sharp was brought in to reshoot the ending. I knew one of the producers and he told me that when they were shooting, a small London repertory cinema organised a screening of Blade Runner on a Sunday afternoon and wondered if there was any way

A real shame, although on one of his last TV performances, late last year, he looked terribly gaunt and thin. He was a fantastic stand-up but also an underrated comic actor. If you can get your hands on either version of 15 Storeys High, radio or TV, his performance as the eternally pissed-off Sean (Vince in the TV

And the bodywork looks absolutely filthy as well....

And David Koresh thought he was having a lousy day......

I was going to have some leftover chilli for supper tonight. That’s staying in the fridge....

Many years ago I was going out with a nurse, and she said they got something like this in the casualty department ever three days or so. If the guy made it to the hospital themselves they always knew because they would usually be wearing a raincoat or a similar long coat, and when told to wait until a nurse could see

A genuinely delicious savoury anchovy spread.

Especially the notorious Homer J. Fong.

A well deserved star for the use of ‘widdershins’. 

Not to the people who drink Coors.

Just had a look at their website. That Spirit of the Moose looks very interesting. £24? Well, it’s nearly Xmas.....

Well, we know who @robicellis and @marnieshure are. Now we have to work out the identities of @originalspinstr (Llllian?) and @FartSandwich.......

So just a P&J sandwich.

’ They wanted me to build them a lean-to. I said, I can’t do that’. Did they want a shrubbery as well?

There used to be a surprising amount of bizarre Padre Pio ‘merch’ in Italian souvenir shops, with this chubby, beatific little man happily displaying his stigmata as if he’d been using a cookie cutter the wrong way up.  

Come on man!! Spoiler alert!!

As somebody who snacks on handfuls out of the cereal / granola / muesli box.... cheers, Lillian!

Delivered from a lectern.

No it didn’t! And that’s why I went AWOL....