
It was pretty much what I wanted from the season premiere. Was enjoying it but after the AC moment happened I was totally hooked and I am ready for the rest of the season. MEW is going to be a blast and Thewlis is going to be a fun villain. It took me awhile to get fully invested in Lester in season 1 so I have a

I wasn't quite sure how this episode was going to go based on the ending last week but like any great show it surprised me and didn't disappoint. The ending to the Freaks storyline was bound to happen but I was still shocked when Morpheus died the way he did. The use of flashbacks during the episode were handled very

This season is definitely going to be due for a rewatch in the near future but this season is probably going to be in my top 5 of the year. I thought everything was handled very well and there were so many great moments that happened. The Maeve escaping scene was especially fantastic to watch. Armistice is such a

Out of all the people on this show, I would love to see Thandie Newton get and win the Emmy nom. Great arc and just love every moment she is on screen.

Amazing episode. The reveal was handled very well and it was horrifying. Hopkins is at his best when he is in evil mode. Even without the ending, it was still a great episode. The whole cast continues to be great with Wright and Newton being the standouts this episode. But again, everyone is fantastic on this show.

I thought Ford put that gun there at first as a part of his new project he is working on. I thought maybe he was the one starting this new awareness in the guests. Ford's detachment from his creations kind of surprised me after last week when he told that writer "no" to his storyline. I assumed he would have more

I was really hoping Dolores was going to use that real gun to kill that creeper tonight with those bandits that killed Dolores' family.

Really enjoyed it tonight and particularly liked Jeffrey Wright and James Marsden the most. Wright especially since we got to learn more about his motivations and who he is. With all these guests that come in and act like psychos, maybe Bernard is just getting sick of seeing the world reduced to just a sick game. I am

The only other thing I know him from is Longmire.

I am going to echo what other people have said about Louis Herthum, Mr.Abernathy. It might have been the best scene tonight this episode where he talked to Ford. I almost thought for a split second that Hopkins was going to get killed. Really hope he returns in some form again.

Really liked it and the more I think about it the more I am excited about it. Very weird and creepy but in a good way. Ed Harris is already someone I am terrified of and he carries a history on his face and movements in just those small moments. Speaking of small moments, things like the machines repeating themselves

Agreed. She has learned how to get ahead and operate in the world with people without doing what Gamby and Lee did.

The only reason I think it's not Russell himself is he just is someone who likes working in the shadows and then stabbing you in the back. He's a psychopath but he would never put himself that close to something like that. And plus, even though I enjoy Goggins in the role he really needs to get a comeuppance as he

I know it has been said a lot but I did not see that coming at all! I have enjoyed this show and agree though that the last few episodes have been where it has gotten really good. Ever since the football game episode I have pretty much enjoyed it. Hoping Gregory gets the Emmy next year.

Someone Russell hired.

The only thing I didn't like was the kiss which I assume is only being done so it bites the defense team in the ass later. But other than that, I really did like it especially the courtroom scenes. The one between Chandra and Box was a stand out. Once again too, the performances were all outstanding especially the one

Emmy for Kimberly Hebert Gregory. The prep rally scene was so good. Watching Goggins and be McBride be horrible makes for great television but their comeuppance is going to be fun to watch too.

I could possibly see Box come back as some kind of private investigator that works for law firms as well.

This was the best episode of the season so far. It's been said a lot but John Turturro and Riz Ahmed have been fantastic. Seeing how much Naz has transformed (or maybe finally revealed) has been both sad and horrifying to watch. Turturro tonight doing all his detective like work was a blast to watch and I can't wait

I only see this ending with both of them either dead or in prison. But this was hilarious especially the house scene and the prayer scene.