
Too many favorites to list and I am afraid to forget some but wow am I going to miss this show. This actually was my favorite late night show.

You can tell Pilou Asbæk is having a blast playing Euron.

Definitely enjoyed it and like others have pointed out, I like how fast things are moving. Not much I can say about the battle scene other than it captured what a siege would feel like. Euron also feels like a better villain than Ramsay already. That laugh he gave was terrifying.

It was like most season openers in that it was mostly a catch up and table setting but it was still enjoyable and I liked how fast paced it felt. Feels like they are truly heading towards the end.

This season is going to be polarizing and the finale as well, especially the final scene. All in all, I liked it. I totally get why they ended it the way they ended it. Emmys are definitely going to be in order for McGregor, Thewlis, Winstead, Sandioval, and Coon. It's funny cause usually this show sticks it to the

Great end to a fantastic season. It was hard as hell to watch Chuck's breakdown and just knowing he was doomed. All the Nacho stuff would have been enough but this added on to it combined with the Jimmy stuff made for a great but dark finale. But it makes sense that the show is getting darker and darker.

Also, Meemo's dancing mesmerized me.

Honestly, this was my favorite of the season so far. The opening alone would have satisfied but the rest of it was still some great stuff. Can't believe there are only two episodes left but I am beyond pumped for the rest of it. Loved finally seeing Yuri get a bit spooked. I even think the little time jump was for the

This whole episode I was thinking they would slow down a bit after last week's episode. But I am glad they are heating it up more and more. The DJ Qualls scene was enough but then Wrench came and those drums started and I freaked.

Shit. That was a devastating episode. There was a feeling of dread and tension throughout and I knew something was going to happen to poor ol Ray. Love seeing Varga finally meet his match with Gloria and that her technology problem has finally given her an advantage. Each episode heats up and if it keeps up, this will

I am almost expecting him to turn out to be somehow working for Varga to explain how he is acting.

Henchmen I have a feeling will be taken out by Gloria and Winnie. And I actually do think Varga will die but be killed by the most unexpected person or way.

Still enjoying this season a lot. This season might be the scariest season yet. Varga is terrifying and the creepy monotone way the henchmen talk is terrifying. Varga is a great villain and I am hoping him and his guys get some great deaths. Also, this season reminds me a lot of Burn After Reading and Blood Simple.

This was total classic Fargo and everything I love about the show. Winnie is going to be a blast and I already am excited for her and Gloria to team up. Thewlis once again continues to be fantastic and I look for an Emmy in his future (that entire monologue was compelling as hell). But really everyone in this episode

Every season always has a great Jimmy vs. Chuck confrontation. I think this one was my favorite. The perfect build up and establishing conflicts that exploded tonight. It was hard as hell to watch but wow was it brilliant.

Also I am assuming Thaddeus forged some stuff and lied about his age when he moved. Either way I don't really care and the age thing isn't that big of a deal.

Yeah this was a definite odd episode but I liked it. Any episode that lets Carrie Coon shine is always going to be good and I was not disappointed. The Thaddeus stuff was interesting and the reveal although not surprising, still was cool. I like how Hawley experimented with this episode and it did pay off. Really

I love how Sy thought he had the upper hand by ramming into Ray's car but then accidentally hits an innocent car.

Also I love how Varga walks. It's like a troll.

This was better than the premiere and I found it very exciting and tense. As soon as Irv googled Varga and the monitor turned black, I actually said "oh shit". Instantly turns Varga into a mysterious and scary dude even before he comes on screen again. His henchmen as well are terrifying and I have a feeling they are