
He did seem rather distant from everyone and did not care much.

This is another one where I have a hard time picking a favorite character or performance. But Turturro gets some of the best lines. And I am terrified for Naz cause a part of me thinks this will end badly and he will be found guilty. But the way the story is going who knows.

Well this was a fantastic season and probably my favorite one. It is the beginning of the end and shit is about to go down. So many great moments this episode: the tense build up to the explosion, Arya knocking one off her list, Diana Rigg being awesome, Lady Mormont being a badass, people hailing allegiance to Jon,

That was amazing. Seriously loved everything about it. The battle felt like a real battle and the scene where Jon was being trampled was tense as hell. But hands down the ending is one of the most satisfying endings and moments in a tv series ever. Was not sure how he would go but that is a hell of a way to go. And

I was referring to Beric seems to be aware of things like The White Walkers. Something about the way he was talking leads me to believe that. Of course this is just a theory.

Ok now that you say that I like to see that. Have Sansa be involved in his death somehow.

So awesome to have The Hound back. I always have a blast with Rory McCann's don't give a shit attitude. Really interesting too that those men were not with the Brotherhood and it seems that Beric is even more aware of what is going on than before. Of course seeing The Mountain go all brutal on The Sparrow was

Hell yeah! The Hound and Bronn. It was a good episode and I enjoyed Jon/Sansa/Davos gathering up an army. I also look forward to Arya taking down The Waif. This has been probably one of my favorite seasons.

Dylan Baker was one of my favorite things about this season and I love how he brings much needed comic relief while also being sincere. He looks to be a major part of the finale so I am very excited.

This might be one of my favorite seasons of the show so far. Lot of great moments this season. And I hope Arya knocks Walder Frey off her list.

A great episode with an ending that makes it awesome but still sad. Each episode of this season keeps getting better and better. If it keeps up like this, it could be one of my favorites.

I never would have figured that it would be Gaad to be the one to get it this episode. And it was a very nasty death too on top of it. But this was a good episode all around.

Same here about guilt, although it is the Catholic variety.

The ending with her coming out of the flames and everyone bowing are the kind of things I live for.

That Stark reunion was beautiful. I was afraid he wouldn't recognize since he was resurrected.

That was probably my favorite episode of the season so far. A lot of great moments and acting all around. That ending especially was badass. Loved Tormund eyeing Brienne.

What made it all the more tragic was he rejected her. This show knows how to make you feel every heartbreak.

Another great episode. Matthews Rhys as Ned Flanders was a great disguise. Which speaking of, I love every scene with William. The heartbreak though with Young Hee and what Elizabeth had to do is sad. Still kind of hope to see more of her though it could mean more heartbreak.

Well that was heartbreaking. Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore both have been amazing this season but this episode was all about Norma. This is really setting up some interesting storylines next episode and for next season.

I really liked it. It was nice to have a lot of small character moments after the big episode from last week. I am liking each episode more and more.