
I have been really enjoying Ruthie Ann Miles and her scenes. She has brought a lot of much needed relief from a lot of the heavier stuff. But the scene tonight between Lisa and Elisabeth was one of the most haunting the show has ever done. Speaking of that, Keri Russell was amazing tonight and Rhys did a great job at

At this point I don't really care who kills Ramsay, I just want him dead. But Theon killing him would be a sort of poetic justice. But it will probably be Jon Snow.

I loved this episode. A lot of great entertaining stuff tonight. The giant being one of my favorite moments. We all saw the ending coming but the way it was done was pretty cool and it was the perfect cliffhanger. Can't wait to see Ramsay die.

Alison Wright. My God. That was wonderful. When she talked about how alone she would be, I started to tear up. Martha became my favorite thing about this season. I really don't want anything bad to happen to her but that might be wishful thinking.

I am looking forward to the eventual Bolton defeat, might be wishful thinking but Ramsay is going to be making a lot of mistakes now. Also hope nothing bad happens to Davos but that is REAL wishful thinking.

Chuck isn't so much bad or villainous but rather an antagonist. He is easier to hate since he is not charming or fun like Jimmy. Of course everyone on this show is complicated and have good/bad things about them.

I like how that final scene is showing that Jimmy is ultimately a good person. He is not another Walter White.

Wow. Just wow. I felt so sorry for Chuck last episode and then he does something like this. He's a brilliant antagonist.

The Americans has always been a show where I fear for everyone and last week's episode proved that anything can happen. I am getting more and more concerned for Martha and I don't want anything bad to happen to her but this isn't a show that lets good things happen. I don't think there is a show that does the slow

This show kind of reminds me of American Crime (the ABC show). It basically requires you to have more patience and trust than Breaking Bad. This show is a bit slower so it's hard for some to stick with it.

This was one of my favorite episodes of the whole series. Loved every thing about it from all of Mike's scenes to Chuck and his investigation into the crime. Jimmy as well was a blast to watch but it was also when even though I was having fun with it, I couldn't help but feel bad for enjoying it so much. Chuck was

Woah. Did not expect that at all. But it was for the best as even as someone who really liked Nina, it needed to happen and was really the only option for her. But Annet Mahendru played it wonderfully and I am glad she got a lot of great work to do.

I still quite liked the the show. But this probably should have been a movie. The pacing sometimes felt odd for a tv show.

I never would have guessed it but this ended up being one of the best things I have ever seen on tv. And I am not joking either. EVERY SINGLE cast member was fantastic. Even someone like Choi as Ito in these last two episodes has been great and I wouldn't be surprised if he got nominated. Paulson and Vance of course

Wow. Chuck. Wow. He keeps finding ways to make himself so unlikable. But McKean plays it wonderfully and it is perfect casting.

The one good thing: JDM as Negan.
But come on. You can still be emotionally satisfying and get people to tune in next year without resulting to something like that.

Whenever I see Jon Lovitz now, I automatically cringe. Probably would have even without seeing Happiness.

Dylan Baker has been one of the best things about this season and I hope he continues to stick around. Or if he gets killed off, he better get a quick good one liner before blowing up.

This show has been one of my favorite things so far about 2016 and an episode like this shows why. I really can't pick a favorite cause at this point they all are giving award worthy performances. But Sterling K. Brown was fantastic this episode and possibly the best thing about this episode.

The music too on this show is fantastic. And to answer your question, yes I was dancing with the inflatable guy.